Shane Burley (Blue Sky Edition)

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Shane Burley (Blue Sky Edition)

Journalist, author Safety in Solidarity (Forthcoming, 2024), #NoPasaran, Fascism Today, and Why We Fight.
Bylines: NBC News, Al Jazeera, Jacobin, The Daily Beast, Yes Magazine, The Baffler, others.

Tweeting Jewish antifascist memes
In this article, uncovers how Paul Waggener's programs such as Total Life Reform (TLR), despite their self-improvement facade, promote racial tribalism and serve as breeding grounds for far-right radicalization:
In our latest Inform Your Resistance episode, Koki Mendis reads's article, "Total Life Reform", detailing how Paul Waggener's self-improvement programs leads men down an alt right pipeline. Tune in
Frequent PRA contributor discusses the growing influence of the Settler Movement and the Israeli Far Right with scholar Cas Mudde. Mudde highlights the blurring lines between mainstream and far-right politics in Israel, mirroring a broader global trend.
The Israeli Far As the conflict over the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah escalated into a massive Israeli military action against Gaza this May, the role of the Settler Movement and the Israeli Far Right...
In our latest episode of Inform Your Resistance, host Koki Mendis sits down with to discuss some of the most peculiar—and at times, most influential—corners of the Far Right. Tune in to learn more at
Today released this deep dive into ADL's reporting of antisemitic incidents: "In addition to identifying more than 1000 items misclassified as antisemitic, we found that the data included misapplications of the organization’s own standards"
Examining the ADL’s Antisemitism A line-by-line reassessment of the organization’s data illuminates the flaws in its methodology.
Fave moment of’s book event on Wednesday was… well, impossible to pick one tbh, but one of them was Shane being like “I know an organizer when I see one.” 😁😁😁 To be seen and recognized by a new comrade is always a great feeling ❤️
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I just started reading "Safety Through Solidarity, A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism, by & and it's very good. Just what I needed to read right now. Thanks to for sharing about it on fb -- it had not been on my radar!
I co-authored this deep dive into the ADL's Antisemitism Audit data and found a lot of problems: conflation of antisemitism and anti-Zionism, ignoring structural factors, focusing on graffiti, and undercounting white nationalist incidents.
Examining the ADL’s Antisemitism A line-by-line reassessment of the organization’s data illuminates the flaws in its methodology.
Check out the conversation Ben and I had with about both fighting antisemitism and stopping the genocide in Gaza and fighting the far-right in the U.S.
Still on medical leave, but the newsletter continues with a convo between and Mic Crenshaw from No Pasarán! about militant antifascist organizing.
Antiracist Skinheads and the Birth of Anti-Racist Action: An Interview With Mic
AK Press has created a deal if you pre-order my new book alongside The Jewish Anarchist Movement in America, a book that was originally translated from Yiddish by Esther Dolgoff and is now annotated beautifully by Kenyon Zimmer.
The Jewish Anarchist Movement in America + Safety Through Solidarity (PREORDER DEAL)
I was interviewed for this and basically said what was obvious: the super rich attack labor unions is basically a Fascism 101 tactic.
My latest is a look at billionaire-led efforts to dismantle the National Labor Relations Board. Most people don't seem to know this is happening, and I find that really concerning. also weighs in with some anti-fascist analysis.
Billionaires' Blitz: The Battle to Dismantle Worker “If there was ever an example of corporations participating in historically fascist tactics, going after labor unions would be it,” says Shane Burley.
For my newsletter I wrote about the recent Candace Owens antisemitism controversy and what the shifts towards more explicit antisemitism on the mainstream Right means:
Christ Is Candace Owens' antisemitism was a feature, not a bug. And it's the whole Right that's infected.
I put this list together of Jewish books critical of Israel, ranging from classics to new books from 2023. There is an entire canon of Jewish anti-Zionist discourse, and it will only grow in the coming years as more Jews abandon pro-Israel nationalism.
Jewish Authors Critical of Jews across the diaspora . . . have been vocally demanding a ceasefire and organizing to take action. They are part of the long Jewish tradition of criticizing Israel and Zionism, which has existed as...
I put this list together of Jewish books critical of Israel, ranging from classics to new books from 2023. There is an entire canon of Jewish anti-Zionist discourse, and it will only grow in the coming years as more Jews abandon pro-Israel nationalism.
Jewish Authors Critical of Jews across the diaspora . . . have been vocally demanding a ceasefire and organizing to take action. They are part of the long Jewish tradition of criticizing Israel and Zionism, which has existed as...
For my newsletter I wrote about the recent Candace Owens antisemitism controversy and what the shifts towards more explicit antisemitism on the mainstream Right means:
Christ Is Candace Owens' antisemitism was a feature, not a bug. And it's the whole Right that's infected.
I was interviewed for this and basically said what was obvious: the super rich attack labor unions is basically a Fascism 101 tactic.
My latest is a look at billionaire-led efforts to dismantle the National Labor Relations Board. Most people don't seem to know this is happening, and I find that really concerning. also weighs in with some anti-fascist analysis.
Billionaires' Blitz: The Battle to Dismantle Worker “If there was ever an example of corporations participating in historically fascist tactics, going after labor unions would be it,” says Shane Burley.
In his review, discusses David Neiwert's latest book, The Age of Insurrection, which details the violence the U.S. has endured from a culture of insurrection cultivated through the Trump years. Learn more:
The first review for my upcoming book on antisemitism is finally in! A timely book that avoids the “cudgel” of antisemitism, “cynically deployed to silence voices for Palestinian human rights." Pre-ordering the book very much helps, so do so if you can!
SAFETY THROUGH SOLIDARITY | Kirkus Two social activists and journalists investigate the complicated layers of persistent antisemitism in society, especially in light of what they consider Israel’s unjust treatment of Palestinians in Ga...
I did this new interview with the Left/Folks collective for my antifascist neofolk project about their latest collection available at Bandcamp right now, raising money to benefit aid in Palestine. If you've never heard of antifascist neofolk, read here!
Antifascist Neofolk for One of the leading voices in building a radical neofolk scene has been the Left/Folk project, which we have partnered with in the past to release compilation albums of antifascist and antiracist neofo...
I did this new interview with the Left/Folks collective for my antifascist neofolk project about their latest collection available at Bandcamp right now, raising money to benefit aid in Palestine. If you've never heard of antifascist neofolk, read here!
Antifascist Neofolk for One of the leading voices in building a radical neofolk scene has been the Left/Folk project, which we have partnered with in the past to release compilation albums of antifascist and antiracist neofo...
New from me: I talk with Jewish Palestine solidarity activists from around the country about the fight ahead, how mainstream Jewish organizations are reacting, and how the growth of the Jewish left is rewriting the rules of American Jewish life.