Michael W. Kraus

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Michael W. Kraus


Not the German handball player or the historian. The other one. BerkeleyPsych alum and social psychologist. | he/him
#psychscisky #socialpsyc
So excited that our paper describing a participatory action research approach to reforming journal policies is now in press! osf.io/preprints/ps...
New paper by Dr. Brittany Torrez on objectivity interrogation of racial scholarship: link.springer.com/article/10.1... #psychscisky #spsp
I’m also willing to chat to people who are on the fence!
Still time to sign! On the fence? Let's chat! docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
Social and Personality Psychology Faculty Statement on Student Protests for Justice in Palestine In this statement we ask our prof societies for new policies to protect our students and colleagues. S-P Faculty can add your name here: docs.google.com/document/d/1...
The May 1 edition of our virtual meeting series will be a roundtable discussion on "Anticolonial Sense-Making of Kurdish Resistance and Power Beyond Social Psychology", with scholars of Kurdish resistance from different disciplines (see flyer). Registration link & more info in 🧵!
Please share, and consider signing if you are faculty in Social Psychology.
Social and Personality Psychology Faculty Statement on Student Protests for Justice in Palestine In this statement we ask our prof societies for new policies to protect our students and colleagues. S-P Faculty can add your name here: docs.google.com/document/d/1...
Incredibly well written support letter for students protesting peacefully for Palestinian lives! Please sign, share, support 🇵🇸🍉
Social and Personality Psychology Faculty Statement on Student Protests for Justice in Palestine In this statement we ask our prof societies for new policies to protect our students and colleagues. S-P Faculty can add your name here: docs.google.com/document/d/1...
I signed it - have you?
Social and Personality Psychology Faculty Statement on Student Protests for Justice in Palestine In this statement we ask our prof societies for new policies to protect our students and colleagues. S-P Faculty can add your name here: docs.google.com/document/d/1...
#socialpsyc #PsychSciSky
Social and Personality Psychology Faculty Statement on Student Protests for Justice in Palestine In this statement we ask our prof societies for new policies to protect our students and colleagues. S-P Faculty can add your name here: docs.google.com/document/d/1...
Social and Personality Psychology Faculty Statement on Student Protests for Justice in Palestine In this statement we ask our prof societies for new policies to protect our students and colleagues. S-P Faculty can add your name here: docs.google.com/document/d/1...
Are you an established (associate/full) social scientist/psychologist who wants a change of scenery? Or do you know one? If so, MSU is looking for faculty in the social sciences (psychology, polisci etc) with a demonstrated commitment to DEI careers.msu.edu/cw/en-us/job...
Excited to have @mwkraus.bsky.social visiting today and talking about ongoing work on Asian American racism, meaning making and solidarity. How do narratives of opportunity shape our understanding of the world, our motivations and how do the narratives maintain and perpetuate social inequality? 1/
This is a witch hunt targeted primarily at scholars of color who study race. Chris Rufo now going after Christina Cross for "plagiarism" - his go-to example is *descriptions of data that are similar.* There are only so many ways you can describe data!
We are sharing a letter that we have collectively written addressing the SPSP leadership and its committees regarding the Islamophobic poster approved for presentation at the 2024 annual SPSP convention in San Diego. #IamSALAAM docs.google.com/document/d/1...
SPSP, We Need to Talk-Publicdocs.google.com
Some quick, random, and non-LLM thoughts on this whole insanity of LLMs in science pardoguerra.org/2024/03/13/w...
As you may recall from the other day, it is essential to the future of the university that academics fully and unquestioningly incorporate LLMs into their teaching and research practice
Writing Like an Algorithmpardoguerra.org In a recent post on BSky, Kieran Healy reminded us of the very practical realities of academics colliding with point-and-click large language models. Published in Surfaces and Interfaces, a paper s…
Beyond thrilled to share my newly accepted article at the journal Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy! This is co-(first) authored with my brilliant friend Nicholas Alt at Occidental College. As two Asian American scholars, we were concerned about affirmative action so we ran some studies!!!
Pervasive and Pernicious Underestimation of Asian Americans' Support for Affirmative Action: http://osf.io/j2rk4/
The psych department at NU is inviting applications for its Canady Diversity Science Postdoc. Here is a description: tinyurl.com/2cayu3hk We encourage recent and soon-to-be psychology PhDs with an interest in diversifying psychological science to consider applying!
Canady Diversity Science Fellowship: Department of Psychology - Northwestern Universitytinyurl.com
Here are some thoughts on the "islamophobic poster" at the recent @spspnews.bsky.social @spspsc.bsky.social conference. I highlight that this poster incident is a marker of systemic racialization of Muslims Please, read and forward to those who are thinking about what can be done. osf.io/s4mvy
Managed to push one last paper out before the semester got busy. This was a hard paper to write and I doubt it will fare well in the review process, but I like it haha! tl;dr Asian names are perceived as less gender-stereotypical than other racialized names (due to participants unfamiliarity)
Are Brenda, Juanita, and Latoya more feminine than Jia and Neha? Gendered Evaluations of Racialized Names: http://osf.io/p9gxr/
Many people enjoy trivia, but some people are way better at it than the rest of us. What is different about how their memory works? Our research (led by Monica Thieu, w/ Lauren Wilkins) characterizing the memories of trivia experts vs. non-experts is now out and featured in @sciam.bsky.social!
Why are some people so much better at trivia than others? Trivia experts’ memory for obscure facts may be supported by memory for how and when they learned them. Love this project with Monica Thieu & Lauren Wilkins – also featuring @kenjennings.bsky.social! #PsychSciSky #neuroskyence 🧪
Jeopardy! Winner Reveals Entwined Memory Systems Make a Trivia Championwww.scientificamerican.com A former Jeopardy! winner led a new study that probes how linked memory systems may give trivia buffs an edge in their game
Social psychology friends: I am updating my list of journals that accept qualitative research in our field - my usual go tos are EJSP, BJSP, Political Psychology, ASAP, Peace and Conflict, JCASP. Am I missing any? Have any journals changed their policies in this regard over the last years? Thanks!
I want to note how disappointing it is that SPSP conference continues to fall behind the pace of progress that much of our scholars and research makes in terms of DEI. Lots of fumbling re: islamophobic poster, ombudsman, and prioritizing white comfort overall. It makes for a bittersweet experience.
My first two grad students, Gretchen and Marcus, presented at SPSP this year! Proud advisor moment!!
PRE-PRINT We looked at dehumanization across different immigrants groups and found that (1) immigrants selected for economic contribution were more mechanistically dehumanized and (2) economic thinking lead to mechanistic dehumanization of all immigrants 🔗pre-print: osf.io/wyv56 poster summary:
This week at SPSP a poster spread flagrantly Islamophobic ideas under the guise of free scientific inquiry. It was offensive, more ideological (hateful) than scientific, and beyond the bounds. To think that just a year ago we were in a full fledged debate about the merit of diversity statements.
HUGE thanks to all those who attended our Asian & Asian Diaspora reception at SPSP 2024! Thanks @spspnews.bsky.social for helping us organize this event. We hope you were able to celebrate and connect with one another. See you all next year!
I just posted this pre-print prior to my poster session that also found evidence that people distinguish between different types of immigrants, but in the context of dehumanization: osf.io/preprints/ps...
Objectivity Interrogation of Racial Scholarship in Psychology and Management: http://osf.io/ax6ht/
Presidential plenary at SPSP- First, Rosalind Chow Thinking about the wealth gap in the US. Is it that White ppl have more wealth than Blacks/Latinos or do Blacks/Latinos have less wealth than Whites? Same thing logically but the way you think about it is different psychological. 1/