M Wulff ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“œ

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M Wulff ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“œ


He/him. Queer library worker. Reading in class since 7th grade but stopped getting caught before I finished my Masterโ€™s degree
I love how essential utilities like steam and chilled water and gas are constantly breaking on campus. At least itโ€™s only affecting Special Collections. And the university archives. And cool storage
Head of Preservation: hey why are these polyester films registering as acidic on AD strips Our film archivist, Big Ten conservators, the Smithsonian: #Archives
New Magnus Archives concept: a bunch of cassettes dug up like the Dawson City films
Extremely annoying when I finish a pop-sci book and I'm like "That was so good, I wish it was ten times longer, and had way more detail, and included a -- " Textbook. The phrase I'm looking for is "I want to read a textbook about this."
We're science fiction writers. Of course we write stories about the consequences of technological innovations, and no one ever comprehends the story is about the consequences and not the technology
want to know more about the Queer Metadata Collective and our recommendations? Devon Murphy, Adrian Williams, Chloe Misorski and I will be speaking about "Queering Metadata" as part of SJSU iSchoolโ€™s Symposium Celebration of Pride Month. #critcat #qmdc #critlib #metadata #critarch ๐Ÿ“š ๐Ÿ“œ
Hey hi I realized I wanted a semi-professional presence on here
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