
Well, it finally happened. Someone at work pointed out how prominent my nipples are and that it was “inappropriate” Thanks for trigger some body consciousness. Guess I’ll just die.
I'm sorry, what? Nipples are nipples; some of us are prominent and proud with them.
I’ve wanted to pierce mine for so long but now I’m way too self conscious 🙈
I know it's easier said than done but don't let the unwarranted body police effect what you want to do.
You are allowed to tell people not to talk about your body. You are allowed to set boundaries about what is appropriate to talk to you about and what isn’t. And I bet if you went to HR that comment would not be okay with them more then your nipples showing through work appropriate attire
Thank you for this 😭❤️
Urgh that’s a nightmare I’m chesty and uhhh yeah my nipples are usually visible no matter what I wear