
people who insist it is imperative to jump on a work call with them on a Sunday morning only to tell you something they could have put in an email you read anytime between now and next Friday belong in a 10th circle of hell designated for those too evil for Dante to cover
cannot believe I just set an alarm to be sure I get up for this only to be told "we are very happy to be working with you" are you serious rn
Appreciate the thought and all but the feeling was more mutual before you did this bro
Ok I'm done being annoyed no time for negativity it's a beautiful day filled with things to do people to meet heatstroke to get
Next time please express these feels with a large bonus check…
One thing I learned working in IT: unless you’re paying me for 24/7 on-call, or something is actually physically on fire/someone is dying, it can wait until Monday.
This seems guaranteed the same way all the emails in my work email marked High Priority are inevitably scan and delete emails.
extroverts… we should shut it all down til we can figure out what’s happening
I mean I'm kinda one myself tbf
yeah but clearly there are levels
The hierarchy: This meeting could have been an email. This email could have been a Slack message. This Slack message could have been an implicit understanding.
There's a lot of downsides to working in local gov, but at least nobody has *ever* wanted to meet on a Sunday morning unless something was actively on fire. The meeting that could have been an email is also nicely rare, at least for me. which is to say: let me know if you need an alibi