Amy Hoy

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Amy Hoy

- OG web - design - hci - reading - writing - saas biz - edu biz - photos - cats - desert - she
amanda palmer is a bad person and has been for a long time. she is an adult with agency. she did what she did and she should be held accountable.
one of her big controversies was bragging about(!) faking her own suicide to manipulate her then-boyfriend. she put the audio recordings she made of that boyfriend *finding* her “dead body” (fake suicide) into one of her songs. not long after, he died by suicide. gaiman didn’t make her do that.
watching WELLINGTON PARANORMAL episode 1 and we’re cackling. it’s *good*
Reposted byAvatar Amy Hoy
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
Reposted byAvatar Amy Hoy
(For a fun example, even mycorrhizal tree networks show clear examples of developed, network-unique patterns of communication we'd call a vocabulary. It's hard to take "our brains evolved differently because of language" when even trees appear to be doing it.)
given that these things cost an unholy fortune to run and can never make money and investors are already turning on them, the saving grace is they won’t be around to have this effect for long
Well this is grim
i love this fuckin painting
Look at this amazing original painting found. #ShittyCameraChallenge Agfa ePhoto 1680 (1MP, 1998)
watching National Treasure 2 movie marathon bc rocco can finally tolerate extended tv sessions without freaking out 🥹
Reposted byAvatar Amy Hoy
We raised all the money to help a family evacuate Gaza last night - it was a SOLD OUT show!! What an incredible display of community and solidarity. ❤️ Do something, all. It's a bit of fighting against the darkness. ✊
Reposted byAvatar Amy Hoy
"the quest for the general solution can distract us from a thousand specific solutions that we could have with today’s capabilities – solutions whose funding remains limited due to their very specificity."
A Thousand Primers, Not Just If gamification isn't specific to its subject, it won't be effective.
i was always under the impression that one of the biggest features of adulthood was not having to give a shit what teenagers think of your clothes and other choices grow up, guys!
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
i miss philly 😭
watching National Treasure bc why not
they have to force it down our throats bc nobody fuckin wants it their user numbers must be abysmal this is desperation
So this just happened to me on Insta. So damn sick of AI. 😡😡😡
it’s not half as good as independence day but it is fun
watching National Treasure bc why not
watching National Treasure bc why not
it’s 9am and i’ve been up for 3 hours 😭😭😭
Reposted byAvatar Amy Hoy
Finally, you've helped us deliver almost a million dollars to voting rights organizations over the three iterations (and counting) of this auction. We quite literally could not do this without you. THANK YOU! WE LOVE YOU!
good morning to this bird and this bird only
Reposted byAvatar Amy Hoy
The timing here is cracking me up - I’m putting together the work I’ve done since 2020 to pitch funders. And the elevator sentence could be “I used social media to change federal public health policy on behalf of chronically ill, disabled, and immunocompromised people”
The very worst thing about social media, including this site and the Bad Site and every other site, is the illusion that by posting on it you’re accomplishing anything.
Reposted byAvatar Amy Hoy
NONE of my pro artist friends believe Tumblr regularly pays my rent because everyone thinks the site died in 2018. It's far from perfect but I think it's well worth a second look if you want places to promote & sell your art.
Reposted byAvatar Amy Hoy
What do bees see? Digital Concepts “For Dummies” 2.1MP #ShittyCameraChallenge #Photography 📷
every time i wonder why i’m struggling, i remember: my iron is 54 % sat is 18 ferritin is 33 *after* getting an infusion it’s a miracle i’m doing this well tbh. if i get full up on iron, i may very well be unstoppable
help my husband is trying to escape from an arty 1980s music video
Hi Kodak EasyShare DX4900 (2002) #ShittyCameraChallenge
Reposted byAvatar Amy Hoy
minutes to go… this is a steal! note to self: prep better next time instead of procrastinating then emailing over a holiday 😂
my landing page teardown auction is currently sitting at only $803… with 100% going to nonprofit orgs that help voters with paperwork, legal challenges, even rides to the polls… if you were to buy this package directly, in the normal fashion, it's $2500! so go bid bid bid 👀
Maximize your sales: site review by Amy Auction item 'Maximize your sales: site review by Amy Hoy' hosted online at 32auctions.
just $952 👀
my landing page teardown auction is currently sitting at only $803… with 100% going to nonprofit orgs that help voters with paperwork, legal challenges, even rides to the polls… if you were to buy this package directly, in the normal fashion, it's $2500! so go bid bid bid 👀
Maximize your sales: site review by Amy Auction item 'Maximize your sales: site review by Amy Hoy' hosted online at 32auctions.
oh my god the cringe just crawled up inside my body
I went to the dentist & she had a screen above chair w/Netflix, which suggested Bridgerton & I thought why not check it out and WHY DID NONE OF YOU WARN ME THAT THERE WOULD BE A TEN MINUTE LONG STEAMY & DETAILED SEX SCENE RIGHT AT THE TOP THAT I WOULD HAVE TO WATCH WHILE SHE DRILLED MY TEETH
my landing page teardown auction is currently sitting at only $803… with 100% going to nonprofit orgs that help voters with paperwork, legal challenges, even rides to the polls… if you were to buy this package directly, in the normal fashion, it's $2500! so go bid bid bid 👀
Maximize your sales: site review by Amy Auction item 'Maximize your sales: site review by Amy Hoy' hosted online at 32auctions.
oh cool! happy aphelion!
🔭 Earth is closest to the Sun in early January and farthest from the Sun in early July (tonight, California time). This makes the apparent size of the Sun slightly different in January and July. Here are my images taken this year that show this difference.