
A frowning fledgling robin. ☹️ Had to gently shoo away from sitting next to the driveway so we could walk the dog. Be safe, little friend!
By the way if you see a baby bird like this, it doesn’t need help (even if it’s hopping on the ground and bumbling around). It’s pretty common for baby birds to leave the nest before being able to fully fly yet. The parents will be nearby watching over.
i had to move a baby cardinal off the middle of the sidewalk once since it was a high dog traffic area. its Very Concerned parents were nearby just like you said so i moved it under a bush right under the tree the parents were in. i still think about her and hope she's ok.
Aw sounds like you did the right thing! Cardinals are fierce so I’m sure the little one stayed safe
yeah!! a stretch maybe but i feel like the parents might have realized i was helping because while they fluttered around nearby, obviously distressed, they didnt try to attack me or anything. and they quieted down once i moved the baby into the bush.