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I am a middle-aged librarian with cats

not a professional account by any means, it gets weird in here
texted the 12 year old this picture of a beetle (or a “scrab,” her mispronunciation of “scarab”) eating an ant ever since we started joking about “scrabs” I have become more observant about what’s happening on the sidewalk outside of work I have seen all manner of insect life doing weird shit
in the basement with everyone, waiting out the incoming storms which may have 80 mph winds, yikes our basement is a mess, we really need to spent some time down here cleaning it up
meet Elsie Minx, our sweet new kitty! she’s one year old and the sweetest little lap kitty
the air here on the third floor of the library has that “the air conditioner isn’t working properly” feel kinda swampy, kinda suffocating, quite a bit warmer than I would like
guess it’s time to check the status of the library’s copies of Hillbilly Elegy and order more as needed
we are going to the local cat rescue to meet this kitten tonight! she looks a lot like my dear Lily, who was my feline soul mate this kitten is around three months old and her name is Violet we have never had a kitten this young! Flora was around 8 months old when we brought her home
spent one last afternoon with Amanda before she leaves tomorrow and we are already making plans to get together more often so please don’t let my anxiety about travel or leaving the house or whatever fuck it up
I believe I have convinced Tim that it would be a good idea to adopt this very cute kitten who looks almost exactly like my beloved Lily, who died last year
last night a young-ish person asked me if I was dressed as what I am presuming is some comic book character and my response was “huh? no, I don’t know who that is” I guess it was the combination of my hair color and my dress? but I was just dressed as myself, it wouldn’t occur to me to do otherwise
unpleasant discovery: the 50 year old body does not recover easily from a night out my lower back and hips are so achy, it feels like I was slamming them against a concrete pylon repeatedly instead of dancing for a couple of hours
I danced to Joy Division! (and front 242, and nitzer ebb, and the cure, and so much more, it was a great night and I am a gross sweaty mess and I loved every second)
yeah hey we are outside listening to music, enjoying the breeze, and talking about cpap machines being old is fucking exciting
dj just played “cuts you up” and I am here to tell you that whether I am 19 years old or 50 years old, I will dance by myself if one of my songs comes on
we got a fancy table! dead can dance is playing my people are with me here’s to 50!
vibes I’m looking for tonight: -off the alley/c-street (Monday night specifically) circa 1993-1994 -aftermath circa 1995-1996 -club 950, circa 1997-1998 if I love this (probably will) they have a goth/industrial night on the last Thursday of every month!
really tempted by this corn trophy (“your guess is as good as mine!”)
what is this pig holding and what’s up with the straw?
also while looking at old photos yesterday I realized that I hung these posters in my bathroom in the exact same configuration that I hung them in my dorm room circa 1992 (minus the copious amounts of fake spiderwebs)
we’ve hit a couple of these landmarks thus far! one of them involved me asking, repeatedly, “am I making this up? did I imagine that this happened?” consensus: I was not making it up and also “being hit on by awkward nerds” is my specialty which I found hilarious after a couple of drinks
Planning a nostalgia tour for birthday weekend, which will include both the common (the library! the lot where C-street used to be!) and the obscure (location of a party in 1992! apartment building where library school crush lived! Hooker Bill’s house!)
had a fancy drink at the fancy drinks bar downtown and it had a giant sprig of thyme in it which was kind of cool but my friend Amanda described it as “that fucking garden in your drink” which was true and hilarious
it was a good day to be off work because apparently the power was off intermittently for several hours which sounds like a real pain in the ass and also I got to spend the day with some of my favorite people who I now realize that I don’t see often enough this needs to change
my friends have started arriving for weekend festivities! I have been (halfassedly) planning this for months and I’m super excited to have this group of people together for the first time in (approximately) 18 years
I was not familiar with “gator in Decatur” but I’m glad I am now
the 9 year old came back from the nature center with these two weird temporary tattoos of very long beetles on her stomach and they look like leeches, gross she also saw a “big ass deer” (her words and not mine but CLEARLY influenced by my words)
in today’s edition of “what ebooks did patrons request?” we have this
in a very clear example of shit rolling down a hill, I am about to unleash a large amount of tedious spine label and DVD insert replacements on to my poor processors but at least this mending cart will be empty again, it was almost full when I got back to work and I was sick of looking at it