
Touching grass isn’t enough, I need to be the grass
touching grass isn't enough, i need the grass to touch me back
I’m guessing you aren’t a blender then.
One of my favorite questions to ask when I’m interviewing someone for a job: would you rather be a blender or a blade of grass.
Absolutely a blade of grass, just surviving out here and enjoying the gentle breeze when I can
Someone once answered a wild blade of grass because they liked the idea of having the freedom to grow how they wanted. That shit has stuck with me.
I love that. If I can choose my grass type I’d rather be a native to the area than Kentucky Blue, so I can put down deep roots and help hold the soil as it builds
Oh yeah, for sure! The wetland and rocky grasses all have their own cool things going for them. If it’s domesticated grass… I barley is a grass. Barley’s done good for a lot of folks.
Other grains have too! But I grew up listening to my dad practicing John Barleycorn Must Die each year in preparation for harvest so Barley is just… friend? Friend to all?
The idea of being one of those wetland grasses that grow up around the Camas in Oregon seems pretty ideal. Just doing my own little weed thing and hanging out with the flowers and shit.
This has incidentally reminded me of a white dude I worked with who didn’t know the racial implications of the word “coon” lmao.
We were fucking around and making parody song lyrics and he says, in a heavy southern accent, “if you had one shot. One opportunity. To put a bunch of shotgun shells in a blender and aim ‘em at a coon, would you do it?” Cue third coworker and I staring at him tryna figure out if he meant raccoon.
Full disclosure: it was embarrasingly late in my life that I learned it wasn't just Appalachian shorthand for raccoon.
I literally learned this last year, had no clue. the only reason I learned it was because I was about to make a joke involving any small mischievous mammal and I had my finger over the post button before I decided to google it, I worry all the time that I’ll hurt someone’s feelings for real someday
So people will touch you?
So, I might have gone first with, "So you can grow, take in light and rain, be rooted in the earth and connected to everything?"
this is the kind of melting into the earth I wanna get into
*makes a pert face at Terry* Told ya!