
this piece from Claremont is a real skeleton key to Trumpist thinking:
stuff like Elise Stefanik saying “Jim Jordan is the speaker for We the People” all makes a lot more sense when you account for the fact that the Trumpist GOP thinks that many, even a majority, of Americans don’t or shouldn’t count as “the People”
once you realize the implied baseline of “more than half of Americans have no rights that Real Americans are bound to respect” then everything about the Stefanik-Jordan-Trump GOP makes more sense
This line by Douglas Kelley, the chief psychiatrist at Nuremberg during the trials, and interviewer of folks like Goering, has stuck with me ever since I read it.
I am truly terrified of what the next decade will bring.
I think we need to be concerned and worried, but for all the dreams and wishes of the MAGA crowd and some others, I don't think the US is an easy comparison to Germany of the interwar period. Our military isn't predisposed to ethnic nationalism, our military culture is more democratic, etc.
There's been a long-time problem of white nationalists in the military, stretching back decades. I don't agree with the journalistic practice in that piece. 22-36% of service members witnessed white nationalism (which is a problem!), but that isn't at all the same as the military being predisposed.
I’m inclined to include all armed forces, military and paramilitary, into one bucket do for me the racism of police, border patrol etc. overwhelm the diversity of the army etc. The US has plenty of organised armed forces riddled with hate.