
🧵 It’s election day here in the UK, so here is a coin from the first century BCE, depicting an election during the Roman Republic. On the back of the coin you can see a really clear image of a man dropping his voting tablet into a cista, or basket. Numismatists have identified
that his tablet is inscribed with the letter V — short for ubi rogas - as you ask. So this was a vote in favour of a proposal or candidate. Perhaps we can see a modern echo of this Latin phrase in the Obama slogan, Yes we can. On the other side of the coin is the goddess
Vesta (you can tell it’s her because she is veiled). So not only do I hope you're voting positively today, but I also hope that the goddess who lives at the centre of our homes and civic spaces - who turns buildings into places where communities gather - is presiding over all our votes.
The British Museum This is a British Museum Images licensable image titled 'Coin, Cassius Longinus, L, Roman Republic' by British Museum Images All rights reserved. You may not copy, publish, or use this image except fo...
Did I mention she is often depicted in Pompeian bakeries? Why not buy yourself a bun when you’ve voted? Have a lovely day!
The coin section of the museum was closed yesterday and this is the first post in my feed that I think would be sympathetic
Hugely sympathetic. If it’s any consolation, sometimes I try to tell people how good the coin displays are at the Leventis in Cyprus, and they don’t seem that interested
My oldest possession is a coin I found while doing renovations in 2010 An 1812 French Franc, with a well worn portrait of Napoleon and words referencing him as Emperor. It's incredible.
Maybe not. I here the buns from Pompeii tend to be a little overbaked.
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Fantastic! But who is this lady? A vestal virgin?
Close. The goddess Vesta herself.
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Of course. But in fact she was the fire.