Natalie Jackson

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Natalie Jackson

Opinions are my own. VP GQR - polling for Dems, columnist at National Journal, polsci PhD.
‘Other’ voters are the most important bloc right now. ( More, via Opinion Today:
My National Journal column for this week: Why do different polls show results that can't be squared (like this weekend's CNN national and CBS battleground)? A look at poll differences, using the Total Survey Error Framework and those two polls as examples.
The five factors behind poll Why does one survey show Trump with a big lead and another shows a tied race? It's more complicated than just the randomness of responses.
I just don't understand how one looks at these time series and says "yup, there's momentum swinging around." Such terrible reporting.
The bit everyone is saying is a “statement on Columbia” is actually part of their Passover message:
Politics-land: "ooohhhhh, Johnson is in trouble! He cooperated with Democrats! That's the cardinal sin!" The rest of the world: "Oh, hey, Congress actually cooperated to get something done. Can't they do that more often?"
I'm enjoying this new project from Today, Julia on WI polls: "Wisconsin, likely to be a decisive state if not the decisive state in November, is basically impossible to read at this point."
Presidents, parties and my musings on the latest Marquette Partisanship rules everything around me
Universe, give me the confidence of a man who sees a question asking for users of a specific thing, and answers "I haven't used [specific thing]" ... and then gives four paragraphs of his opinion.
This week's column is a little different, but it's still about what polls can tell us about society, especially over time. Lord help me, I agree with Gen Z - but I don't think they appreciate how fast things changed. @nationaljournal (unlocked)
Gen Z is right: Sex and the City is a relic of a bygone Attitudes on race, sex, and LGBTQ issues have changed dramatically over the last 25 years.
We're quickly losing perspective on just how big these things were back then - and how little other tv entertainment we had compared to now. This whole circus probably makes zero sense to most of Gen Z.
In his fame and infamy, O.J. Simpson was an example of what celebrity could make of a person and a symbol of what the media could make of a country, our chief TV critic writes.
O.J., Made in America, Made by In O.J. Simpson’s life and trials, television was a spotlight, a microscope and a mirror.
why I'm a skeptic about declaring political realignments based on poll subgroups, here's a wonky piece on how weighting affects *everything*. Polling has become more art than science these days. My latest @nationaljournal (unlocked)
The weighting is the hardest Tweaking a survey’s sample has transformed from science to art, which is why we may not be able to trust numbers that show big shifts among demographic groups.
Arguing about whether abortion will matter in 2024 elections is the most ridiculous shit. Yes, Trump is trying to neutralize it. Newsflash: Trump vs. Biden isn't the only election happening.
Coming back over here - I lapsed on posting in both places, but the Twitter/X vibes have not improved, trust me.
There's still a lot of grasping at straws to explain why people feel so economically unstable. Y'all. It's not that hard. My @nationaljournal column from a few weeks ago, reposted on GQR's website: "It's still the pandemic, stupid."
I also think there's a polling bias given 2016 & 2020 issues in polling to not as heavily question numbers that look more Trump-friendly to avoid criticism. That is not good.
This article shows how malleable some people's responses to the polls are. Multiple people expressed doubt or shifted their preference. It can be hard for politicos to understand this, but not everyone spends their time obsessing over Trump & Biden.
We're so obsessed with Trump vs. Biden in the polls, and who benefits from what view of the economy, that we're missing what is really behind a lot of economic panic and why Democrats win despite bad economic views.
It’s still the pandemic, Polls are telling us people are traumatized. We’re too busy with Trump vs. Biden to notice.
We're hiring at GQR! Multiple positions - intern, entry level, and a few years' polling experience. Read the openings here. Share with people who might be interested & message me with questions.
Current Take a look at the current openings at GQRR
Hello everyone - We're now reposting (with permission, of course) my National Journal columns on the GQR website! In case you missed it, this one was originally published 10/24. I'm happy to work in such a supportive place!
National Journal Column from Vice President Natalie Jackson: Mitt Romney’s ‘unskewing’ -
Media/pundits: No one likes Biden! He’s old! Also media/pundits: OMG polls show Biden has weaknesses! Duh. It’s a year out. Pay attention. Don’t over-read.
Polls right now are shaped by a nearly-singular focus on Biden’s negative attributes. It’s logical to ignore Trump’s daily antics for now, but in a real campaign this is going to shift and not help Trump.
Sometimes I forget just how long I've been on brand. I mean, really it was 2006, but Facebook notes weren't a thing then.
100 years from now, Britney Spears will be studied as part of feminist history. History is not going to judge the era kindly - and that will be absolutely correct. If a rich famous white woman suffers this way, what hope is there for women without those advantages?
Apparently it's national black cat day. This is my blind baby, Tuffy. He's the sweetest, happiest lil guy.
Photo of the happy camper, before he crawled into my lap
I might feel terrible, but one of my cats is extremely happy with my life choice to work from home today. Purring like a jet engine in my lap. At least one of us is having fun, buddy.
This week on Leading Indicators: The "unskewing" of Mitt Romney... remember 2012? Yeah, it was a long time ago. Both polling and Romney crashed into Trump.
Mitt Romney’s ‘unskewing’ The senator's 2012 presidential run feels like multiple political lifetimes ago.
How to elect a speaker: 1. Randomize a list of all Republican house members. 2. Hold a vote on each one sequentially until someone gets to 217. 3. If no one gets 217 votes, Republicans are forced to work with Democrats to select a mutually acceptable speaker.