
Now that the full extent of Nina Power’s obsessive adulation of Hitler and Nazi ideology has been revealed by Luke Turner, never forget professional transphobes Kathleen Stock and Julian Baggini defended her when it was obvious to everyone else who she was
I expect Baggini’s full condemnation of Nina Power
I do not expect Kathleen Stock to condemn her fascist friend Nina Power, but nor did I expect her to immediately run to her fascist friend’s defence by publicly singing her praises
Fucking hell is this real after she's read the WhatsApps and seen the anonymous articles? My mistake, but I didn't think Stock was this craven
Same, but I was wrong. My partner chewed me out over it because I did the liberal-brained ‘uh that’s kinda bad optics for liberals’ when she’s not speaking to fence-sitting centrists
Nah, Stock has been full right for a good while now. I don't understand *why* since as a woman and a lesbian they'll be eating her face soon enough if they get their way, but it is what it is.
Baggini probably needs to join the proposed MK book group reading session before he can reach any conclusions
Btw how’d you say Hitler would feel about disabled people who need alt text? Have you decided to be the opposite of that praxis yet?