
journalists are (one of) the backbones of social media — having a space for breaking news and real-time communication is incredibly crucial for crises, information dissemination, and more and sure, political discourse can come along with "scrutiny and negativity," but what isn't political
Direct from Mosseri: they DON’T want to encourage politics and hard news posting on Threads, and the “scrutiny, negativity…or integrity risks that come along with them.”
How do we get more journalists here?
we've been reaching out to & been in contact with a bunch of newsrooms (including local news) but if you have personal contacts at news orgs, please have them email [email protected]!
You're serious about getting reporters here, right? Because there are a whole bunch who I can reach out to. I've been using some of the invites I have gotten access to for that anyway. To be clear, I'm talking credible people, obviously.
Can we share codes with you? Many people I know have them!
Hi! Well, not sure if you were able to scroll up and read that thread? I think it's easy for journalists to get invites now. Is that the group you want to see more of? Or do you have other ideas? Groups I know of who are actively redistributing invites include: disability activists and scientists.