
journalists are (one of) the backbones of social media — having a space for breaking news and real-time communication is incredibly crucial for crises, information dissemination, and more and sure, political discourse can come along with "scrutiny and negativity," but what isn't political
Direct from Mosseri: they DON’T want to encourage politics and hard news posting on Threads, and the “scrutiny, negativity…or integrity risks that come along with them.”
How do we get more journalists here?
we've been reaching out to & been in contact with a bunch of newsrooms (including local news) but if you have personal contacts at news orgs, please have them email [email protected]!
UPDATE TO THIS 3-MONTH OLD POST: here's a faq on bluesky for journalists, which includes a waitlist form too so people no longer have to email bluesky's press inbox!
Bluesky for
Is having the website in the profile enough for verification? We want to keep the username/handle we have on the other place for when all our followers join us here, and is a bit long(er) for our handle. It is easy to add a txt record to DNS if that would work.
Welcome to Broadcasting Scotland - Broadcasting Broadcasting Scotland is a new broadcaster for Scotland, producing programmes from a Scottish perspective, targeting audiences, inside Scotland and beyond
good q! we're discussing other forms of verification too but for now, the domain is the best way to show that this is the real account
Usually linking to a social account from your website is a good form of verification albeit not visible unless people know the true website and to check. To be honest someone could buy a domain that's one letter off that would pass as the real deal if someone's not checking for typos.
So yeah at the end of the day due diligence always falls on to the end user. But definitely at the very least linking to your socials from your known domain is a good method to verify the profiles being legit.
You're serious about getting reporters here, right? Because there are a whole bunch who I can reach out to. I've been using some of the invites I have gotten access to for that anyway. To be clear, I'm talking credible people, obviously.
Please can you do the same for academics and scientists? It was very poor on old Twitter to have the precious few privileged ones getting special blue checks. It’s likewise not great for encouraging strong reliable content that most academics can’t get access at all here unless they’re connected.
I doubt they will go for that. The vetting process would be a ton of labor. There are a ton of unused invites. Some scientists are gathering unused invite codes and redistributing them. As of last week, they had done this with 4,500. Probably best done by fields/subfields. If anyone has energy.
I've been reaching out to people and can already report that both national and local news folks are overwhelmed with having to choose between the many new platforms. I'm making a pitch for bsky ofc. But, also, journalists are spooked by the horrors of social media in recent years. Esp. women, obvs.
Reporters here who started mid-2010s onwards either don’t use Twitter or have dormant accounts. Hell Sydney and Melbourne have one real newspaper, and one financial paper. And no one even from their newsrooms seems to be here. I’ll nudge them too!
Okeydoke! Expect some incoming then! :)
We just got the Defence Editor of The Economist!
Kewl. I subscribe to the print edition of The Economist. It will be good to have late information posted here.
I've had a number of Editors on my team ask for invites but I have none to share!
Happy Friday to you too:)
This rules! Have a bunch of cool serious credible people I’ll nudge, especially in Australia & NZ, like a music journalist friend in Melbourne, and several active freelancers. (serious journalism gets sparse in small markets except a few outlets, many just need a nudge BlueSky is worth dropping by.
Reporters for sure, but we also need the breaking news desks.
Buddy, you don't know me. But, a lot of reporters do. Gimme a chance, Ok? Lol.
The Breaking News Desk? Hildy, get me rewrite! Seriously. Newspapers have social media managers like everyone else.
Speaking as a journalist who became former just a few years ago, I can tell you the social media managers get their info from the news desk(s).
Can we share codes with you? Many people I know have them!
Hi! Well, not sure if you were able to scroll up and read that thread? I think it's easy for journalists to get invites now. Is that the group you want to see more of? Or do you have other ideas? Groups I know of who are actively redistributing invites include: disability activists and scientists.
You'll be glad to know Bluesky ranked #1 in my extremely scientific ranking of Twitter-like apps for journalists.
Hi Emily, I am not in touch with newsrooms but I’m in touch with multiple journalists across South Asia who would be an amazing addition to this platform (you can check my timeline for evidence). Is there a solution where devs can provide me the codes and I can hand it to the individuals? Thank you
Can I get some invites for Diversify Photo and Juntos Photo Cooperative? Both are leading orgs for photojournalists in the US and globally.
we've been in contact with diversify photo, they're here! can you have juntos photo cooperative email us?
Will do re: Juntos. re diversify: hey how can we onboard the photographers begging for Bluesky invites in the Diversify Slack?
One thing you might try is creating a journalist donation form like the folks did for science... If you asked them they may also be able to help you in some way. Good luck
I get a bunch of requests from code donors for codes to go to artists, photographers, journalists, writers, etc., so if anyone in those groups wants, I can get codes to them (or can help duplicate my code donate/request form for those purposes).
gonna need to give local state and federal politicians access also. lfg. if press and pols are here, and there are DMs and GIFs, the X is ex
I dunno. I'm kinda happy right now *not* seeing orange screenshots or hearing senators intentionally conflate "seized" and "apprehended" on a daily basis
Hello Emily. I'm on the board at the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA).
is it okay to just drop this in slack and let my colleagues email you individually or do you prefer to make contact with a higher up?
doesn't need to be a higher-up unless eg an audience editor wants to chat! probably easiest for just one person to reach out and our team can send them invite codes to share in slack, so that each journo doesn't have to separately email :)
word. i’ll send it up the chain. thanks emily. :)
woo ty :) 🤝
Have you even CONSIDERED how will feel when he isn’t the “Only Bluesky Sports Account”?
Is this across all geographies ?
Ah this reminds me, there are a handful of real ones I know well at independent publications in India, they gave me the online equivalent of pitying looks when I said they should keep an open mind about bsky lol. I’ll poke them too…
Yay. Thank you !