Nat Sauce

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Nat Sauce

Durham's geriatric millennial. Politics. Kids. Gossip. Gratuitous swearing.
Sometimes I question my vinyl collection, but today is really made for Tapestry and Carol just singing not mediated in anyway by the internet.
Today would be brought up by camp directors for 15 years about why they are staying with paper forms If camp directors cared about things like computers.
Second thought was, ah yes, reliable Girl Scouts. Who print everything and rely on physical forms in all camps.
Woke up, looked at my phone and thought, damnit it's my last day off.
If Obama did stop, he's going to step aside. Only person he's not related to he'd listen to.
Playing through some vinyl for the neverending cull (bc I keep buying more) and came upon a Patty Stone albumn of 1920s music recorded in a 1950s style, thought you might be interested - you familiar with her?
There are just the sweetest happiest smiliest pics of the kiddos at camp each day. I think my littles know that if they cheese it up for the camera they make the reel and it's just a joy to see them so happy.
Yesterday we went through photos and found me at 7ish clinging to my aunt's leg looking sad and scared and a lot like my 7 yo Just she has curly blond hair rather than straight long dark hair and she knows she's loved and adored.
Watching School Spirits - a cute 8 part series teenager murder who done it. Do not google it. There are spoiler reddit threads that show up on page 1.
My whole house smells like cooking oil bc this man has been seasoning cast iron for a friend. In all this heat.
Reposted byAvatar Nat Sauce
That’s right people, Black people only point out racism for the attention points. When I get 50 points I get a free McFlurry wherever the machine is working (if you harass them I will see it, plz don’t)
Full day 1 of no children responsibility and we have cleaned up their craft room, ran errands, and are now having dinner at the best place in Durham.
That dude is intentionally getting uglier as he gets old. Has that 'I want to look grissled while living on the UES' kind of vibe.
Well, think all 3 kids have everything packed for sleepaway camp. What do adults without caretaking responsibilities who dont drink do in Durham after 8pm at the moment?
Reposted byAvatar Nat Sauce
Folks, most of y/our employers are problematic. That’s who has the money.
Random old people complimenting my parenting at the farmers market. I'll take it.
Anti-Blackness on Bluesky shows up in a HUGE way again. First Tressie then Jamelle. The South has something to say and its Black intellectuals are being harassed here repeatedly. It's fucking bullshit.
Reposted byAvatar Nat Sauce
If you want to block all the people who harassed Jamelle Bouie off the site at once, this list is handy. Hit subscribe, then block.
Weird Bouie reply guys
What the name says. Some accounts on the list are truly horrible all the time and some just made a muteworthy skeet one time. This list is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Jamelle Bouie or anyone other than myself.
Reposted byAvatar Nat Sauce
This is the second time one of my favorite writers was harassed off this platform. It was a joy to get to read their thoughts and musings every day and even interact with them occasionally. And a bunch of toxic assholes drive them away. God damn it.
Ah, schluby fries, my old friend.
Not me imitating Jane Fonda at the office copier this morning
We watched Devil Wears Prada last night and let me just say that I'm really happy for kids these days realizing Andy's boyfriend is a dick.
I am not a dog person, AND the sweetest puppy girl of a pitbull will be available at APS tomorrow. She's show your belly and lick you puppy sweet.
What in ye old hell is this?
Lol. I think I locked myself out of my twitter account by updating my password today.
Taking a moment to coach myself through some feedback. 10/10 no notes.
Phew! Did the drive to and from RVA today to deposit youngest kids with Granma! We get back to Durham and huz tells me of his new appreciation that I do this once a week bc so much time in the car. Guess long haul trucker could be my fallback?
Just like, how amazing my teen is. We have a somewhat random/stupid set up on our house alarm. 7yo triggered it this morning. I run to my phone to cancel the alarm and she runs to 7yo to comfort her and tell her everything is okay
Me waiting outside the dressing room watching another daughter who must be in her 50s come out and have her mother, clearly in her 70s, tell her to get a smaller size and pull the fabric a bit to show it's too big. Never ends.