
Many theories: Could be an outlier (runs contra to all the recent national polls); could be the physics of polarization, could be a bump as Democrats rally against a perceived onslaught by critics (running against the media works for all sides, for a time and to a point).
Biden trails Trump by just 2 points across key states, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult shows, even as three in 10 Democrats say he should leave the race
I don’t think this staunches the panic among donors or on Capitol Hill, tho. Which will basically be, ‘if he can’t do a debate and struggles thru an interview with George Stephanopolous and needs more down time: can he actually mount a campaign?’
The polls have been very weird, but a lot of them do show Biden doing well with older white voters, while doing less well with younger non-white voters. That would fit with this result