
It's interesting seeing the comics press going "Why isn't there more talk of Miracleman: The Silver Age"? Meanwhile, we get the kind of review that those of us who made comics in the dawn times dreamed of as a kind of grail. Gift Link
Neil Gaiman Has a Hero Out of Step in a Book Out of In an era of endlessly safe comic universes, “Miracleman: The Silver Age” goes another way with the return of a godlike hero from a world more like ours.
I have liked Alan Moore much, but I never understood why his thinking taking the comedy and the satire out of Captain Marvel was anything anyone needed. Although a subsidiary of Disney making someone retrograde erase the name of the hero in fact showed CC AND Otto would get revenge after all.
You know that Marvelman was a comic Alan loved, and that it wasn't a lot like Captain Marvel in terms of comedy though?
Also Marvel had no direct influence at all on the name change, and wouldn't be a subsidiary of Disney for decades when it happened.
It became Miracleman in the US following Marvel UK sending Cease and Desist letters to Warrior. So that was a direct influence.
Fair enough! I’ve always heard that Eclipse proactively changed the name when they imported him to the US (and of course even used a pseudonym Moore himself came up with in a Captain Britain story) but you would obviously know better than me. 🙂
They could've called it Marvelman US, like the Charlatans had to call themselves the Charlatans UK when they toured the US because there'd been some band who'd already had their name for about half a second back in the 60s 🤣
Or the Detroit Spinners
I'd forgotten about that one!
I used to have a full set of Warrior. Alas my ex-wife did not see the value in them, either emotionally or monetarily
It took him being hated for me to give him a second look, but had the at least the Alan Moore, whole Marvel-man, renamed by the house of Stan, WHAT WASN'T...? i had a kid and thought it was where comic could go, but wouldn't dare. Holy hell CNN isn't corporate enough for Jack's mausoleum.