
It's interesting seeing the comics press going "Why isn't there more talk of Miracleman: The Silver Age"? Meanwhile, we get the kind of review that those of us who made comics in the dawn times dreamed of as a kind of grail. Gift Link
Neil Gaiman Has a Hero Out of Step in a Book Out of In an era of endlessly safe comic universes, “Miracleman: The Silver Age” goes another way with the return of a godlike hero from a world more like ours.
Hi, Neil. Reading this paragraph made me wonder about Watchmen, did you participate in any way in that book?
I helped research some things for Alan. (It's why the book was dedicated to me, Pat Mills and Mike Lake.)
Would it be okay to ask what you researched? I hope that's not an intrusion; it sounds awfully interesting. (Also, how frightening is Alan Moore in person? :) )
For those new to this series, what’s the best way to catch up?
Good question. Book one: a dream of flying.
Let's elaborate on that, Neil must have been busy: First read the three Alan Moore books, now collected as "Miracleman: The Complete Epic", published without Alan's name on the cover, because he has certain principles, then Gaiman: "Miracleman The Golden Age", THEN "The Silver Age".
(whoops, it's "The ORIGINAL Epic", not "The Complete Epic", but people probably figured that out)
You can also start with the Golden Age. I think the Alan Moore ones are out of print.
YAY!! That’s great news!!
I started reading this on Hoopla yesterday! Yeah, apparently Moore wanted his name taken off the book, but this contains the original Moore work.
Also available at your (or at least my) local library.
Miracle Whip Man, when?
When people want a long-running series about pure evil.
Miracleman: The Silver Age is a wonderfully written return to the Miracleman story, and I really, really, really hope Dark Age comes out sooner than later
Love to see this kind of coverage, as I was thinking I was one of the few buying and loving Miracleman. Can't wait for the Dark Age!
Well, it took time to grow to full maturity and decant him from the VR vat to get these kind of reviews. It helps that he realized writing for the comics press doesn’t pay squat and he likes eating.
Wow. I haven't read an actual comic in years, & now I really want to read this one!
You should! I recommend starting with The Golden Age. They’re really amazing and you get a different kind of Neil Gaiman experience.
I have liked Alan Moore much, but I never understood why his thinking taking the comedy and the satire out of Captain Marvel was anything anyone needed. Although a subsidiary of Disney making someone retrograde erase the name of the hero in fact showed CC AND Otto would get revenge after all.
You know that Marvelman was a comic Alan loved, and that it wasn't a lot like Captain Marvel in terms of comedy though?
Also Marvel had no direct influence at all on the name change, and wouldn't be a subsidiary of Disney for decades when it happened.
It became Miracleman in the US following Marvel UK sending Cease and Desist letters to Warrior. So that was a direct influence.
Fair enough! I’ve always heard that Eclipse proactively changed the name when they imported him to the US (and of course even used a pseudonym Moore himself came up with in a Captain Britain story) but you would obviously know better than me. 🙂
The 50s Marvelman I've read seems to have a different humour to 40s Captain Marvel. Less whimsical, more British. The 80s revival is pretty much the ur-text for that kind of "let's make a childish thing dark and adult".
To be a little pedantic, Alan Moore didn't do anything with the original Captain Marvel stories and characters. Marvelman was conceived only after Fawcett capitulated to National/DC and agreed to stop publishing Captain Marvel comics (right around when Moore was born, coincidentally)...
...which in turned dried up L. Miller & Son's source for Captain Marvel reprints in the UK. Moore's update for Dez Skinn was based on the Marvelman stories created by Mick Anglo and others in the years following.
Can’t wait to check these out Neil! I’m currently reading The Graveyard Book for the first time and loving it
Waiting for my copy. As often happens these days a certain ecommerce site appears to have messed up its pre-orders. (I still have my original Eclipse editions of Silver Age!)
I bought the trade on Wednesday. Love it, but I was marginally disappointed that it didn't include the two covers by Barry Windsor-Smith from the old Eclipse version. Were there rights issues to overcome with that or did Marvel just demure? Probably shouldn't complain since I have those books.