New Amauta

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New Amauta

Follow for posts on Indigenous History, Politics, and Philosophy
North and Latin America. Beyond borders.
Is there an Indigenous theory of law? This is what Yaku Pérez (Kichwa-Kañari) proposes when he argues plurinationalism, or the recognition of many Native sovereignties in 1 country, can only happen when we understand that each Native nation has its code of law. He calls it Judicial Pluralism ¹/
In his book “Justicia Indígena” (2015), Pérez argues Ecuadorian law still considers Indigenous law codes to be “cultural customs” while Western law is a legal obligation. But, once Native law can be considered co-equal, Native peoples can control their territories and protect the Earth ²/
Argentina is founded on settler colonialism and we should all know this history ¹/
In 1852 the writer Juan B Alberdi wrote his text “Bases and Starting Points…” claiming a struggle b/t the civilized Christian Whites and savage Indians was at the heart of Argentine culture. And he called geпoсide. The next year, he authored Argentina’s constitution ²/
In 1868, Domingo Sarmiento became president. His goal was to colonize Indigenous lands for Argentina. Earlier in 1845, he wrote “Facundo”, a famous philosophical tract outlining Argentina’s need for the European city to conquer the savage countryside of Natives & mixed gauchos ³/
Finally, from 1875-1884, General Julio Roca led the Conquest of the Desert, a violent military campaign to geпoсidе the Mapuche and Tehuelche nations and have White Argentinians settle "emptied' Native lands in Patagonia. At the same time, US settler colonialism fought the Great Sioux War ⁴/
Argentina just won Copa América but it's still a settler country and here's why 1) Rejected Native gov't model –1816 2) Stole Mapuche & Tehuelche lands in Pacification of the Desert –1870-83 3) Genocide of Selkn'am nation –1880-1930 4) Erasure of Black Argentinians 5) Javier Milei's election –2023
This is an Andean Philosophy manual! Written by Josef Estermann who lived amongst Quechuas and Aymaras in Peru and Bolivia, the book Filosofía Andina [Andean Philosophy] goes through the multiple aspects of Indigenous philosophy from the Incas to the present communities. ¹/
He explains foundational topics like What are Indigenous science, Andean eco-knowledge, deities, and the concept of Pacha, the ground of Andean metaphysics. This book holds an intercultural dialogue where he compares Andean and European philosophies. Every Native should read it. ²/
I've reopened my Intro and Advanced Incan-Andean Philosophy classes and I've gotten questions about what they teach. The essence of both is to (re-)learn the Indigenous philosophy of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia from the Incas to the 21st century ¹/
"Intro to Incan-Andean Philosophy" is an 800 yr timeline of Andean philosophy through (1) the Incas, (2) resistance to the colony, (3) Tupac Amaru II, (4) Indigenismo, (5) rise of land back, & (6) plurinationalism. We learn the unbroken historical tradition colonialism tried to hide from us ²/
"Advanced Incan-Andean Philosophy" is a deep-dive into some of the most important Andean philosophical topics such as (1) What is life?, (2) Was there Andean non-binary identity?, (3) Reidigenization?, (4) How to reconnect to nature?, etc. It's only for the few, those who took the 1st class. ³/
So if you made it this far, please like, comment, and spread the word about these classes. I'm building these classes from the bottom-up so I need everyone's help to make this work. I thank you so much/Anchatan sulpayki. ⁴/
Latin America almost had a new Incan king. During the Wars of Independence against Spain Manuel Belgrano proposed the Inca Plan (1816). It set out the creation of a constitutional monarchy with a Native Incan king. But, it was never implemented, due in part to racism by other independence leaders ¹/
My Incan-Andean Philosophy classes have re-opened due to popular demand until Sunday July 14th. Sign-up now ( ²/
Did Indigenous Puerto Ricans fight for Independence? In the Grito de Lares of 1868, Puerto Ricans attempted to create a republic independent from Spain. But, included are the Taíno people. Rather than go extinct, many were enslaved on Spanish haciendas or plantations. And they wanted freedom. ¹/
A 1779 census showed +3000 living Taínos. According to Juan Manuel Delgado in “5to centernario de la Resistencia Taína”, 2 of those Taínos in Angeleró and Alers joined the 1868 uprising. That same year, Lola de Rodríguez Tió wrote PR’s national anthem mentioning Borínquen, PR’s Taíno name. ²/
Today's the last day to sign up for Incan Andean Philosophy Classes! Deadline is 11:59pm tonight (local time). My work's independent so share this even if you're not attending, it supports a small Indigenous educator (
Remember that Native nations don't conform to US colonial borders. The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) are split between NY and Canada. The Tohono O'odham and Yaqui are split between Arizona and Mexico. To be Indigenous predates and is beyond the 4th of July
For this Indigenous community, today is Women’s Day. In Cotacachi, Ecuador, July 1st is Warmi Puncha and it’s a day to celebrate Kichwa women with dance, song, and parades. Part of the Andean concept of yanantin (parity), its backstory goes even deeper. ¹/
Warmi Puncha, as it is celebrated today, began around the 90s. However, elders like Mercedes Chico from Turuko state that it used to be only Native men dressed as women (warmi tukuska) who came out to dance. Thus, Warmi Puncha celebrates Andean femininity as a whole in (non-)binary terms ²/
Want to learn more about yanantin, Andean duality, and the non-binary identity of qhariwarmi (2-spirit)? Sign-up for my Incan-Andean philosophy classes where we queer Andean history. And share it so others can find these classes ( ³/
A major text in Andean philosophy is the Royal Commentaries of the Incas (1609). Written by El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, it creates the philosophy of Incanism (incaísmo), that the Incas created a utopian, communal, society that can serve as a model. Essentially, Incan philosophy can live on now ¹/
Incanism was very influential. Tupac Amaru II, leader of the 1780 Native uprising in Peru, was inspired by Garcilaso’s book to start his rebellion. It was then banned by the Spanish. Incanism even inspired Μаrxism in Peru, Bolivia, & Ecuador. Sign up for my classes for more ( ²/
Marine Le Pen’s far-right party is set to win 1st place in France’s elections! Macron shouldn't be let off the hook since his policies against migrants and Natives paved the way for her victory
Polls show that Le Pen’s National Rally party wins 1st in the National Assembly, with the leftist New Popular Front 2nd and Marcon in 3rd. Le Pen’s win was paved by Macron who raised the pension age & moved far-right on immigration which Le Pen called “an ideological win”. Now she can go further ²/
Le Pen would be bad for African nations like Senegal or Mali whose currency is the CFA Franc, which is controlled by France’s central Bank. And the repression against Natives in New Caledonia would grow worse under. Native leader Christian Tein (Kanak) was even arrested and is detained in France ³/
Indianismo wanted to separate from 2 philosophies: Marxism (dialectical materialism) & Christianity (idealism). The 1st is a despiritualized material world, where all contradiction is resolved by antagonistic conflict. The 2nd sees the material as false, and the sacred is outside it. Ex. Heaven ²/
Indianismo's Harmonious Materialism reaction to opposites is not antagonism, but complementary duality (Yanantim in Quechua) where opposties work together using each other's difference. This model diffuses conflict to create a harmonious ideal. If all beings are sacred we must learn to cooperate ³/
I teach 2 classes on Incan-Andean Philosophy! Where you can learn more about Indigenous Harmonious Materialism and Complementary Duality (Yanantin) Follow the link to sign-up and support independent Indigenous educators ( ⁴/