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Born at 318.99 ppm,twitter emigre.
Fascists,racists,brexiteers,climate deniers,MAGAs and knuckledraggers in general need not apply.
wow, there's a +5C anomaly in the arctic
"By the end of this century, an estimated 3 to 6 billion individuals—approximately one-third to one-half of the global population—might find themselves confined beyond the livable region [...]"
Humans are destroying everything Destroyed 70% of world topsoil needed for crops to grow Flying insect numbers needed for pollination have plunged by 60% in less than 20 years 5 million fish are killed every minute by fishing industry Since 1990 a billion acres forest lost
Bibi's turning into Putin with his threats,two weeks on and no sign of entering Gaza. And now he's threatening Lebanon,after getting beat up last time they invaded? Red lines are meaningless unless you back them up,ask Obama or Putin. Bibi's humiliated domestically & abroad.
Avatar What's happened to your twitter account ? Says zero posts and zero followed and follower. You pissed off muskrat?
For years, people advocating for action on climate change have been treated like conspiracy theorists with walls of red string... But climate change really is connected to everything.
Young people say they care more about inflation than climate change. This may be frustrating, but the two are actually closely related. Fighting climate change means fighting future inflation
Add Inflation to Reasons to Worry About Climate Young people care more about affording food and rent than fighting climate change, a new survey says. The two problems are closely connected.
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