
This is how.
How do we adjust to a world where major democracies have long-term viable fascist parties? It feels like we'll just be having existential election after existential election, and we have to win every time whereas they only have to win once.
Compromise is not possible. Every compromise is a victory for the Nazis, as it gives them credibility. Hitler took every compromise then immediately seized part of the next country over. We "adjust" to the world with Nazis by defeating them, unconditionally. That's it. That's the only way.
We can either, like France & UK this past week, step up and do it at the ballot box or we can dither, let them take power, and have to uproot them through horrible violence at great cost.
The Heritage Foundation Oberst Gruppenführer just this past week literally said that we can either let them have their way or they'll kill us. Ofc, they want to kill us, so either way, more of us die. This is terrorism. The Nazis of the 1930s-40s were terrorists. So are the Nazis of the 2020s.