Nate Ledbetter

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Nate Ledbetter

ABD, Princeton, East Asian Studies. Instructor, Asian History, Rider University. Perpetually writing my dissertation (warfare in 16th C. Kyushu, Japan). He/Him/あいつ/"That Nagashino Guy." At some point I'll start posting useful stuff here. Maybe.
Grading music: "Welcome to the Jungle" Appropriate for the first paper.
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“In the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6” is “when you say it’s wrong that I hit you, you’re tearing this family apart” on a national scale.
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I want everyone to read Article III of the US Constitution and then talk about how the stuff in Biden's potential bill is unconstitutional. And "Ok, but this SCOTUS . . . ." is not a response I'll give a fuck about.
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Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Is it bad to start your paper with 7 passive-voice sentences in a row? Just asking questions here.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn’t a selfie
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie
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Amazing story about what happens at the VA Hospital when you ask the Project 2025 question: "How are you going to pay the utility bills when Social Security and VA benefits get cut?" tweet:
The nerve of quoting THAT Audre Lorde quote at a Black woman to justify a harassment campaign against a Black man wherein some of the harassers told him to work for Walmart or Doordash instead of the NYT
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A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
Meanwhile Canada giving 80s Bi-Way track suit energy.
This is true, but I think maybe we should view both the assassination attempt/reaction and the Vance pick less as moves for electoral advantage and more solidifying the insane base for violence once Trump is electorally defeated.
like, there’s plenty to worry about in the fall if you want to, but this is not a party that has a path to any victory, let alone a clean one, this is a party firmly ensconsed in their own bubble of horseshit who believe they command strong majorities and are making strategic decisions as if they do
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Not all Marines but definitely some Marines end up assigned to non-combat jobs and then spend the rest of their lives with a huge chip on their shoulder about how tough they are and I'm just saying it tracks that JD Vance was a photographer
Folks, I don't think they really oppose political violence.
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"It's a good day to read Ross Douthat's interview with JD Vance" Really interested in what insights Beardy McRoundface provoked from Roundy McBeardface
is it possible that six-figure mainstream media columnists are so profoundly bad at their job that they don't actually know what fascism entails? are they trolling the engagement economy? do they actively want fascism?
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I just want to reiterate- if I was found at home with just one of those files I would be fired and face severe legal consequences. I know this because I literally have to take a training *every year* about handling classified information or I get locked out of my UNCLASS computer.
Free idea for a Dem ad: a series of brief somber interviews with people who worked with classified documents explaining what the consequences would be for the most minor infraction. Then just show these photos
Look, DJT has never been held accountable for anything in his life ever. It'd be really unfair to suddenly start doing it now.
Watching a documentary about Sidney Rittenburg and I swear he looks exactly like John L. Smith to me.
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The Constitutional Crisis is already here. You are living inside it. No way back, for better or worse. Either fight to win the future or concede to fascist tyranny taking over our country, the world's largest economy and mightiest military.
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“Imagine the world we could have if Trump wasn’t Trump!” So the funny thing about Trump is, he already was president once and was shit at it, literally no reason to rehire the guy even if he had a Road to Damascus moment. He wasn’t bad at president because he was a bad person, he was just bad at it
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
Hearing rumors that it may not be coming home
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Counterpoint: it is though.
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He's white and rightwing so here come the sympathetic stories about him being bullied in school
The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN. Here's what we know so far.
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far | The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN on Sunday.
Um... there a way to be Reviewer 2, but gracious?
Anyway, time to Reviewer 2 some stuff. (JK, I'm very much a Reviewer 1)
Anyway, time to Reviewer 2 some stuff. (JK, I'm very much a Reviewer 1)
This. No one's changing their minds. If they claim they are, they were just looking for a reason to not feel bad about doing what they wanted to do.
Some people are like "he looked so powerful pumping his fist!" and like if that's the kind of dumb shit you vote on you were already voting for trump
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Honestly the part where everyone holds their breath and hopes the manic is one of Them rather than one of Us is one of the most grotesque parts of modern life.
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Yes, requests for non-fascists to "lower the temperature" is just a nicer way of putting the Heritage Foundation's statement that the revolution will remain bloodless if liberals allow it. It's a demand for acquiescence to the conditions of violence they created.
Seen a lot of comments like “hey Americans who support democracy, oppose political violence, and value truth, we have to take the temperature down,” and while well-intentioned, I don’t think it’ll work, because they’re not the ones raising the temperature.
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they’re going to use this to redirect attention from project 2025. the media is going to let them. but we don’t have to play their game.