
The institutions of US democracy are hanging by a thread, and the Supreme Court just frayed it. I cannot emphasize this enough: the 2024 election is effectively an up-or-down vote on Constitutional democracy. All else is secondary, because democracy and rule of law are how we address other issues.
The Institutions of American Democracy are Hanging by a Trump has brought the United States further down the path of democratic backsliding than many realize. The election is the only barrier left.
Absolutely. Also, fuck the US Supreme Court.
I dont support the US Constitution but I’ll take it in a second over anything even remotely like that particular alternative
Sounds reasonable to me. I have a higher opinion of the US Constitution than you do, but, paraphrasing the famous Churchill quote, US Constitutional democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others potentially available in the US.
I remember when revolutionary anarchism was much more popular than the other ones. But alas
If the Court is willing to go this far with a judicial coup, they won't let a Democratic election win stand. They will find a pretext to overturn it. Voting is necessary, but it's not enough. Call for Biden to flex his newfound "immunity" powers by (at a minimum) packing the Court immediately.
Imagine thinking that a party that consistently demonstrates it has no interest in doing anything whatsoever to disrupt the status quo, is in fact in existence to maintain it, is going to intervene in a meaningful way I mean how do you get yourself in that headspace?
And I cannot emphasize enough what a joke is a liberal academic's weak attempt at political bullying. The US has arguably *never* been a democracy, and that's before the neoliberalism that swept away any remaining notion.