Niels Henkemans

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Niels Henkemans

Specialist on Normandy 1944, esp. the Cotentin Peninsula. Author of 'Defending Normandy' (2024):
Love history books but prefer to study the records myself. Try it.
Thread #dday80 #defendingnormandy When talking about the German preparations for the Allied Invasion (AKA D-Day), a lot of attention goes to the (in)famous Panzer Reserve. With 9 Panzer Divisions and 1 Pz.Gren.Div., this force sounds formidable. But it is often overlooked what it actually was...
Thread (on going) With #DDay80 approaching fast, I'll try to address some myths. Let's begin with Omaha Beach, or more precisely the 352.I.D. It's been called everything from elite to poor, but usually such extremes are not based on actual records. This list is 😎
Now the work for #Defendingnormandy is done, I've time to talk about the book. If you have a podcast or other format and fancy a chat, just reach out to me. #DDay #Normandy #WW2 #SWW
There are worse things someone can say about your book 😎
For those interested, my book #defendingnomandy is on schedule to be sent to the printers by the end of the month. About bloody time! 😎
Clearly not making the deadline. 😔 Hope to have better news soon
Merry X-Mas, happy holidays and all the best for 2024!
For those interested, here's a small overview of when different German years-of-birth started being called up. When you call up more than one year per year you'll find yourself in a race to the bottom... 🧐 [Ages are simplified and the list only includes years that were called-up in full]
Clearly not making the deadline. 😔 Hope to have better news soon
If we make the deadline (and it's looking increasingly promising) the first volume of my book about German troops in Normandy #defendingnormandy will be out by X-Mas. 😎 Fingers crossed and I'll keep working
Defending Normandy Vol.1: German Chain of Command, LXXXIV AK. & Infantry Defending Normandy Vol.1: German Chain of Command, LXXXIV AK. & Infantry Divisions by Niels Henkemans. Coming end of 2023.
Thread: Joe Balkoski had a very good talk about Utah Beach with John McManus and the fine folks of D-Day Memorial about Utah Beach: The heavy casualties of the 4ID in the battle for Cherbourg also came up, so it might be worth to highlight those numbers.
(small thread) It is well known that the German military had great difficult replacing losses. This did not only apply to manpower, but also to weaponry. Here are some of the numbers for Normandy. (losses on the left, replacements on the right) More explanations in the follow up posts
Interesting talk about a very unusual unit, with links to Cherbourg in the summer of 1944 as well. Well worth the listen
I’d like to thank Dr. Bill Convery, Minnesota Historical Society, for helping me include the story of “The Vikings” — the 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) — an elite, Norwegian-speaking unit originally organized to liberate Norway from Nazi occupation.
‎Why We Fight ~ 1943: The Vikings: The Story of the 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) on Apple ‎Show Why We Fight ~ 1943, Ep The Vikings: The Story of the 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) - Oct 10, 2023
Little #ThenAndNow from earlier this year. Panther from I/24 in le Mesnil-Adèle. #WW2 #Normandy44
My first post here, so why not introduce myself with a video about a subject very dear to me. Together with the help of fellow researchers and friends we put the people back into the famous Dead Man's Corner story.
Dead Man's Corner - Carentan with the 101st Airborne and 70th Tank Dead Man's Corner - Carentan with the 101st Airborne and 70th Tank BattalionWith Niels HenkemansPart of Attrition - Beyond the Beachhead week on WW2TVMore Ai...
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