
Thread #dday80 #defendingnormandy When talking about the German preparations for the Allied Invasion (AKA D-Day), a lot of attention goes to the (in)famous Panzer Reserve. With 9 Panzer Divisions and 1 Pz.Gren.Div., this force sounds formidable. But it is often overlooked what it actually was...
The level to which these divisions were operational varied wildly on D-Day. Many had serious manpower problems (too few officers & NCOs), mobility issues, lack of (formation) training and shortage of weaponry/armor. So let's take a closer look at them...
Some divisions were good, like the Pz.Lehr. On 1 May it was assessed as Kampfwert I (Combat Rating I), the highest possible. This meant it was deemed ready for all offensive operations. Mobility of its combat vehicles was at 90% and those of the support troops was 50%.
By 1 June these percentages had increased even further.
Transport tonnage was fairly okay, at 77% operational and 13% in short term repair.
The 12th SS-Pz.Div. was also considered Kampfwert I on 1 May and 100% mobile.