
WEEK 32 of Biden: Aug 23-29, 2021. Biden continues to oversee US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. As withdrawal approaches its final stage, an ISIS suicide bomber murders 170 Afghan civilians and kills 13 US soldiers in an attack on the Kabul airport. Biden says evacuations will continue.
WEEK 33 of Trump: Aug 28-Sep 3, 2017. Having failed to overturn the law in congress, Trump cuts 90% of ad funding for the ACA, ensuring that fewer people know about their healthcare options. Meanwhile, Trump helps hurricane victims in Texas, and continues to threaten nuclear war with North Korea.
WEEK 33 of Biden: Aug 30-Sep 5, 2021. Biden oversees the end of US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, with the last US plane leaving Aug 30. Meanwhile, Biden helps hurricane victims in Louisiana, and meets with Zelensky to offer support against Putin (who at this point only occupied Crimea).
WEEK 34 of Trump: Sep 4-10, 2017. Trump announces his intention to end DACA (executive-policy version of DREAM act, protecting immigrants who arrived as kids). Courts ultimately prevented Trump from ending DACA until Biden reinstated it on day 1, though courts have also challenged the reinstatement.
WEEK 34 of Biden: Sep 6-12, 2021. Biden orders federal vaccine mandates, requiring 100 million people to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Specifically: all employers with 100+ workers must require either vaccination or weekly testing. All federal employees must be vaccinated (no weekly-test alternative).
WEEK 35 of Trump: Sep 11-17, 2017. Trump plans to get his top legislative priority passed: tax cuts for corporations and extremely wealthy people. This week, he hosts a “bipartisan” dinner including Dem senators Manchin, Heitkamp, and Donnelly, who all praise him. The rich would get their tax cuts.
WEEK 35 of Biden: Sep 13-19, 2021. Biden had been continuing the policy, started under Trump, of using Title 42 to turn migrants away from borders on the basis of covid contagion. This week, a judge blocks this policy. Meanwhile, the effort to recall CA gov Newsom fails spectacularly (38-62).
WEEK 36 of Trump: Sep 18-24, 2017. After speaking to the UN, Trump signs the revised version of his islamophobic travel ban, adding North Korea and Venezuela so that he can defend it to the courts, while still referring to it himself as the “Muslim ban” he promised in his 2016 campaign.
WEEK 36 of Biden: Sep 20-26, 2021. After speaking to the UN, Biden deals with reports & images of US Border Patrol agents on horseback, abusing & mistreating migrants from Haiti in Del Rio, TX, brandishing the reins of their horses like whips. In response, Biden suspends horseback patrols in Del Rio
WEEK 37 of Trump: Sep 25-Oct 1, 2017. Trump works to pass his signature legislation: tax cuts for the rich. This week, he meets with donors and holds rallies on the subject. Meanwhile, HHS secretary Tom Price resigns in disgrace over outrage about his overuse of the private jet.
WEEK 37 of Biden: Sep 27-Oct 3, 2021.  Biden works to pass his signature legislation: public investment in infrastructure. This week, he pushes the House to pass the Senate-approved bill. Meanwhile, top generals say they pressured Biden not to withdraw from Afghanistan. Biden resisted this pressure.
WEEK 38 of Trump: Oct 2-8, 2017. Trump visits Puerto Rico and tosses paper towels at hurricane victims. Trump treated Puerto Ricans like second class citizens undeserving of federal disaster aid. We now know he obstructed HUD funds to PR and also obstructed the investigation into this obstruction.
WEEK 38 of Biden: Oct 4-10, 2021. The GOP once again threatens to crash the US economy by defaulting on the national debt. By taking the country hostage, they hope to kill Biden’s infrastructure bill. Biden & Dems hold fast and the hostage-taking ultimately fails. This week, McConnell relents.
WEEK 39 of Trump: Oct 9-15, 2017. Trump ends the Iran nuclear deal, and withdraws the US from UNESCO because of its “anti-Israel bias.” Trump invites Henry Kissinger to the White House to get his advice about the North Korea crisis. At home, he pushes tax cuts for the rich & sabotages ACA benefits.
WEEK 39 of Biden: Oct 11-17, 2021. Biden announces a plan to massively expand offshore wind power in the US, targeting 30 gigawatts of offshore wind power by 2030. The Biden administration has since approved 6 offshore wind projects, and experts now expect 21 GW by 2030, and 30 GW by 2032.
WEEK 40 of Trump: Oct 16-22, 2017. Trump is focused again this week on the tax cut bill he would sign in December. In this massive upward redistribution of wealth, “everyone got a tax cut”, but the majority of the money went to the richest 1%, with almost nothing going to the poorest 50%.
WEEK 40 of Biden: Oct 18-24, 2021. Biden is focused again this week on the infrastructure bill he would sign in November. In this massive downward redistribution of wealth, the US government, funded by progressive income taxes, committed $1.2 trillion to things everyone uses, rich and poor alike.
WEEK 41 of Trump: Oct 23-29, 2017. Trump’s SOS Tillerson goes to Afghanistan to negotiate the end of the war. Despite Trump’s incompetent leadership (see week 27), the peace deal would eventually be signed in Feb 2020, and Biden would then follow through on it despite pressure (see Biden week 37).
WEEK 41 of Biden: Oct 25-31, 2021. Biden is sued by Ron DeSantis' Florida over the federal covid-19 vaccine mandates Biden had ordered (see week 34). Vaccines against covid-19 have directly prevented millions of deaths, as well as reducing spread and severity. The GOP’s antivax rhetoric is deadly.
WEEK 42 of Trump: Oct 30-Nov 5, 2017. The GOP publishes Trump's bill cutting taxes for the rich. Trump, the sitting president, repeatedly calls for “DEATH PENALTY!” for a suspect still awaiting trial, who had killed 8 people in NYC days earlier. The killer was eventually sentenced to life in prison.
WEEK 42 of Biden: Nov 1-7, 2021. Biden’s infrastructure bill passes the House with almost no support from the GOP. All Dems supported it except the Squad, who withheld their votes as a protest against Manchin & Sinema blocking the American Families Plan (childcare, pre-k, family leave).
WEEK 43 of Trump: Nov 6-12, 2017. Trump endorses the GOP candidate for governor in VA, but Dems win. This week, it becomes clear that AL GOP senate candidate Roy Moore sexually assaulted 14 year old girls. Moore stays on the ballot with Trump’s strong endorsement. Moore would lose 50-48 in December.
WEEK 43 of Biden: Nov 8-14, 2021. Biden’s vaccine mandates face numerous legal challenges from the GOP in multiple states. This week, Biden urges businesses to keep the requirement in place despite a pause ordered by an appeals court. SCOTUS would eventually block most of it in January.
WEEK 44 of Trump: Nov 13-19, 2017. Trump returns from Asia to be in DC as House Republicans pass his tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Roundly unpopular with voters (36%-49%), this bill slashes the corporate tax rate (down to a flat 21%). It passes the House 227-205, without any Dem support.
WEEK 44 of Biden: Nov 15-21, 2021. Biden finally signs his infrastructure bill into law. Broadly popular with voters (65%-22%), this bill invests $1.2 trillion in things we all use. Later, when Biden has a colonoscopy, Kamala Harris becomes the first woman to be Acting POTUS, for 85 minutes.
WEEK 45 of Trump: Nov 20-26, 2017. Trump defends AL senate candidate Roy Moore, who sexually assaulted 14 year old girls. “He denies it,” Trump says, and “we don’t need somebody who’s soft on crime like Jones.” Jones would win. Meanwhile, a judge blocks Trump from punishing sanctuary cities.
WEEK 45 of Biden: Nov 22-28, 2021. After a vehicular attack kills 5 people in Waukesha, WI, Biden responds by calling it a “horrific act of violence.” He does not demand the death penalty before a trial (see Trump Week 42 for Trump's response to a similar incident). The killer gets life in prison.
WEEK 46 of Trump: Nov 27-Dec 3, 2017. Trump retweets islamophobic hate videos from far-right group Britain First. The UK government cancels his planned visit. Meanwhile, Trump’s signature legislative achievement, tax cuts for billionaires and corporations, passes the Senate with 51 votes (no Dems).
WEEK 46 of Biden: Nov 29-Dec 5, 2021. Biden’s administration warns of a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, vowing consequences if the attack happens. Russia denies it is planning an attack. Lavrov says “we don’t want any conflicts.” Meanwhile, a judge blocks parts of Biden’s vaccine mandate.
WEEK 47 of Trump: Dec 4-10, 2017. Trump says USA will move its embassy & recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. US allies (France, UK, Germany, others) immediately condemn this inflammatory decision. SCOTUS allows Muslim ban (Biden reverses it in 2021). Trump formally endorses pedophile Roy Moore.
WEEK 47 of Biden: Dec 6-12, 2021. On the phone with Putin, Biden warns that the US will do “things we did not do in 2014” (bigger sanctions) if he invades. On the phone with Zelensky, Biden pledges US support for Ukraine. At home, Biden continues promoting his recently-signed infrastructure bill.
WEEK 48 of Trump: Dec 11-17, 2017. In Alabama, Trump keeps his full support for US senate behind Roy Moore, who sexually assaulted 14 year old girls. Doug Jones, who prosecuted the KKK, wins this election 50-48. Trump’s anti-trans discrimination order in the military is temporarily blocked in court.
WEEK 48 of Biden: Dec 13-19, 2021. Biden’s proposal for universal pre-K, paid childcare, and paid family leave is killed when Manchin abruptly announces, after months of excruciating negotiations, that he’s against it. Manchin and his progress-killer buddy Sinema will both be out of office in 2025.
WEEK 49 of Trump: Dec 18-24, 2017. Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem sparks outrage, as the UN votes 128-9 to demand its reversal. Ambassador Haley taunts & threatens the world in response. Trump signs into law a giant tax cut for the rich, unpopular with voters, with 0 Dem votes.
WEEK 49 of Biden: Dec 20-26, 2021. Biden extends the student loan pause until May. Later, although SCOTUS would block him from cancelling all student loans, Biden would manage to cancel $138 billion of them for 3.9 million borrowers. This week, Biden adopts a brand new puppy named Commander (OH NO).
WEEK 50 of Trump: Dec 25-31, 2017. Trump fires the remaining members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS. Six of them had already resigned in protest. Trump does a big favor for Deutsche Bank, whom he owes $130 million, by waiving their punishment for manipulating interest rates.
WEEK 50 of Biden: Dec 27, 2021 – Jan 2, 2022. In a second phone call, Biden warns Putin of harsh economic sanctions if he invades Ukraine. Putin in turn warns of a "breakdown in ties between our countries” if sanctions are imposed. The Bidens take Commander for a walk [insert Jaws theme music here].
WEEK 51 of Trump: Jan 1-7, 2018. Trump announces he will cut all USAID to the Palestinian Authority (he did, in March 2018). Trump allows oil and gas drilling off almost all US coasts. Trump tries & fails to stop publication of a damning book about him, and says he is a “very stable genius.”
WEEK 51 of Biden: Jan 3-9, 2022. On the anniversary of Jan 6, Biden gives a fiery speech excoriating Trump for the attack. He notes: “It’s about making sure the past isn’t buried. That’s the only way forward. That’s what great nations do. They don’t bury the truth, they face up to it.” I agree.
[Note: today I started this thread from week 1 on Twitter & Threads. I’m @_nihil_scio_ in both places. Bluesky is my favorite so the first updates will still go here. Twitter & Threads will lag behind and gradually catch up as I update them on weekends]
[I’ve also decided to link a source news article to corroborate the most important story in each post. I’ll be adding these links here going forward, and retroactively as replies here, as well as from the beginning on Twitter & Threads]
WEEK 52 of Trump: Jan 8-14, 2018. Trump calls Haiti and African countries “shithole countries” while saying the US should accept more immigrants from Norway instead. Trump’s attempt to end DACA (executive policy protecting immigrants who arrived as kids) is blocked by a federal judge.
Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as 'shithole' President Donald Trump referred to African countries, Haiti and El Salvador as "shithole" nations during a meeting Thursday and asked why the U.S. can't have more immigrants from Norway.
WEEK 52 of Biden: Jan 10-16, 2022. Biden calls for the senate to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights act by ending the filibuster. 48 dems voted to do so, but Manchin+Sinema+GOP blocked it. See Week 26 for more context. SCOTUS finally blocks most of Biden’s covid vaccine mandates in a 6-3 decision.
Biden calls on Senate to change filibuster rules to pass voting rights bills in forceful speech: ‘I’m tired of being quiet’ | CNN President Joe Biden painted a dire picture for the nation’s future elections during a major speech on voting rights while in Atlanta on Tuesday, expressing his frustration at Republicans who blocked v...
WEEK 53 of Trump: Jan 15-21, 2018. The federal government shuts down for 3 days even though the WH, House, and Senate are all controlled by the same party (GOP). More details emerge about Trump’s use of campaign funds to pay hush money to lovers, a crime for which he would be indicted in 2023.
Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate (Published 2018) Senators from both parties were scrambling for a new deal to reopen the government quickly, possibly just hours after the midnight deadline passed.
WEEK 53 of Biden: Jan 17-23, 2022. With Biden’s support, 48 Senate dems vote to end filibuster & pass John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Manchin & Sinema vote with GOP to block it. Biden refers to a potential Russian "minor incursion" into Ukraine, causing a minor flap, clarified with words & actions.
Senate Democrats suffer defeat on voting rights after vote to change rules fails | CNN Senate Democrats suffered a major defeat Wednesday evening in their efforts to pass voting rights legislation – a key issue for the party, which is under pressure to take action ahead of the midterm e...
WEEK 54 of Trump: Jan 22-28, 2018. When Trump’s VP Pence gives a speech to the Knesset formally announcing the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, many Arab members protest and are forcibly removed. We learn that Trump had previously tried to dismiss special counsel Robert Mueller.
Politicians protesting during Mike Pence speech removed from Israeli Mike Pence became the first US vice president to address the Knesset
WEEK 54 of Biden: Jan 24-30, 2022. Stephen Breyer announces he will retire from SCOTUS. To replace him, Biden would eventually nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first black woman on the court, who would vote to protect abortion rights. Biden touts infrastructure at Pittsburgh bridge collapse.
Read Justice Breyer's remarks on retiring and his hope in the American 'experiment' In a White House remarks, Breyer seemed to acknowledge some of the challenges facing the country, quoting the Gettysburg address and professing hope in the future of American democracy.
WEEK 55 of Trump: Jan 29 - Feb 4, 2018. Trump signs an executive order to keep the US prison in Guantánamo bay open, and to accept new prisoners there. Obama and Biden each announced an intention to close Guantánamo, but neither succeeded. Press swoons at empty bipartisan rhetoric in Trump’s SOTU.
Trump signs order to keep Guantanamo open | CNN President Donald Trump signed a new executive order Tuesday to keep open the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and opened the door to sending new prisoners there.
WEEK 55 of Biden: Jan 31 - Feb 6, 2022. Biden signs an executive order strengthening unions – requiring the federal government to use project labor agreements for construction projects above $35 million. He begins talks with Senate leaders about Breyer’s replacement on the Supreme Court.
Biden signs executive order aimed at strengthening union construction President Biden on Friday signed an executive order aimed at strengthening union jobs in construction by expanding the federal government’s use of collective bargaining agreements between unio…
WEEK 56 of Trump: Feb 5-11, 2018. Trump says “I’d love to see a shutdown” over his effort to end DACA. He gets one, for 6 hours on Friday. Again, the GOP controls the presidency and both houses of congress at this point. Trump says Democrats were “treasonous” for not applauding him at the SOTU.
Trump signs massive budget deal | CNN President Donald Trump signed a major budget deal into law early Friday morning, hours after Congress voted to end a brief government shutdown overnight.
WEEK 56 of Biden: Feb 7-13, 2022. The Biden administration announces that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent, urges US citizens to leave Ukraine, reiterates warnings to Putin & support for Ukraine. Putin’s online fans mock this warning. Biden discusses Breyer's replacement with Dem senators.
U.S. orders employees to leave embassy in Kyiv ahead of potential Russian invasion of Diplomatic sources told CBS News that embassy evacuations started overnight.
WEEK 57 of Trump: Feb 12-18, 2018. Trump says some nice words about love and kindness after a gunman opens fire at a high school in Parkland, FL, killing 17 people. He and the GOP have vehemently opposed any and all government efforts to reduce gun violence, a uniquely serious problem in the US.
Trump tells nation grieving school shooting 'We are here for you'
WEEK 57 of Biden: Feb 14-20, 2022. Biden speaks with allied leaders in France, Germany, and the UK, ahead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In a speech, Biden emphasizes diplomacy and de-escalation and also says “an attack against one NATO country is an attack against all of us.”
Biden says he expects Putin will go through with Ukraine invasion within He spoke as he was leaving the White House on a trip to Ohio.
WEEK 58 of Trump: Feb 19-25, 2018. Under intense pressure to do something after Parkland, Trump does a good thing (🚨) by directing the ATF to ban bump stocks, used in the horrific Las Vegas shooting. Though insufficient, it was a positive step. SCOTUS is currently weighing a challenge to this ban.
Trump Moves to Regulate ‘Bump Stock’ Devices (Published 2018) The president asked the Justice Department to propose regulations that would ban “bump stocks,” which can convert a semiautomatic gun into an automatic weapon.
WEEK 58 of Biden: Feb 21-27, 2022. Putin orders Russian troops and tanks to invade Ukraine, headed towards Kyiv. Ukrainians fight back ferociously. Biden immediately announces harsh new economic sanctions. Also this week, Biden nominates Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman on the SCOTUS.
Biden imposes additional sanctions on Russia: ‘Putin chose this war’ | CNN President Joe Biden on Thursday unveiled harsh new sanctions on Russia meant to punish the country for its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, calling out Russian President Vladimir Putin for his aggressi...
WEEK 59 of Trump: Feb 26-March 4, 2018. Trump tells us directly and explicitly that he wants to be a dictator. Of Xi Jinping: “He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”
Trump on China’s Xi consolidating power: ‘Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day’ | CNN President Donald Trump, during a freewheeling speech to Republican donors in Florida on Saturday, attacked his former presidential rival Hillary Clinton, one of his predecessors in President George W....
WEEK 59 of Biden: Feb 28-March 6, 2022. Russia attacks residential buildings in Ukraine and kills hundreds of civilians. At the SOTU, Biden announces further consequences, including closing airspace to Russian flights along with European allies. Biden says Putin “has no idea what’s coming.”
First Ukraine City Falls as Russia Strikes More Civilian Targets (Published 2022) Russian forces seized the southern city of Kherson and besieged other cities, with casualties and destruction mounting, as Western sanctions tightened their vise grip on Russia’s economy.
WEEK 60 of Trump: March 5-11, 2018. Trump accepts Kim Jong-Un’s invitation to meet. This would happen twice, in June 2018 and Feb 2019. Trump lavished praise on the brutal dictator, saying “he gets it” and “we fell in love.” The stated goal, denuclearization of North Korea, has not been achieved.
President Trump agrees to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong President Donald Trump has agreed to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un by May to achieve denuclearization, South Korean National Security Advisor Chung Eui-Yong said Thursday.
WEEK 60 of Biden: March 7-13, 2022. Biden announces a ban on imports of oil, gas, and coal from Russia, a further response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The UK and EU also pledged to gradually phase out Russian oil, a promise they kept over the following years.
Biden Bans Oil Imports From Russia, Calling It a ‘Blow to Putin’s War Machine’ (Published 2022) Officials said President Biden had struggled for days over the move amid deep concerns about accelerating the already rapid rise in the price of gasoline.
WEEK 61 of Trump: March 12-18, 2018. After a brief flirtation with gun control, including some small positive steps like banning bump stocks, Trump changes course and bows to the NRA. Trump replaces Rex Tillerson (who correctly called Trump a “fucking moron”) with toady Mike Pompeo as Sec. of State.
Conceding to N.R.A., Trump Abandons Brief Gun Control Promise (Published 2018) After a made-for-television moment in which he appeared to embrace expansive gun control, President Trump completed his reversal on Monday.
WEEK 61 of Biden: March 14-20, 2022. The battle of Kyiv is ongoing this week, while Russia takes control of Kherson to the south. This week, Biden announces a new $800 million in US weapons and supplies sent to the Ukrainian defenders. Ukraine defeated Russia in Kyiv & has since retaken Kherson.
Biden announces hundreds of millions in new security aid for Ukraine following Zelensky’s speech | CNN President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced an additional $800 million in security assistance to Ukraine as he sought to answer his Ukrainian counterpart’s impassioned call for help and leadership deli...
WEEK 62 of Trump: March 19-25, 2018. Trump is “accidentally” too friendly to Putin. In a phone call, Trump congratulates Putin on his re-election, despite briefing papers warning him “DO NOT CONGRATULATE.” Trump advances his plan requiring the military to discriminate against trans people in hiring.
Briefing papers warned Trump: 'DO NOT CONGRATULATE' President Donald Trump was warned in briefing materials to refrain from congratulating Russian President Vladimir Putin on his re-election, but he did so anyway, a senior administration official said ...
WEEK 62 of Biden: March 21-27, 2022. Biden is “accidentally” too hostile to Putin. In a speech in Poland, Biden says “Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia, for free people refuse to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness” and of Putin “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”
Biden says Putin 'cannot remain in power' in sweeping speech on Russian invasion of President Joe Biden said Russian leader Vladimir Putin
WEEK 63 of Trump: March 26 - April 1, 2018. Trump announces a plan to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census, which would have led to a severe undercount of vulnerable populations, reducing their political power. Twelve states sue him in protest. SCOTUS blocked this plan in 2019.
At Least Twelve States to Sue Trump Administration Over Census Citizenship Question (Published 2018) Opponents said the question was certain to depress response to the census from noncitizens and even legal immigrants.
WEEK 63 of Biden: March 28 - April 3, 2022. Biden’s proposed budget includes millions more in aid for Ukraine, and increased taxes only on the richest 0.01% of US taxpayers (> $100 million/year). Moderates & GOP have since blocked him in both of these areas, and Biden continues to push for them.
Biden’s budget proposal includes billions to counter Russian aggression and new tax on wealthiest Americans | CNN President Joe Biden unveiled his fiscal year 2023 budget proposal on Monday, and while it includes increased funding for security and reduces the deficit, officials admit inflation could continue to c...
WEEK 64 of Trump: April 2-8, 2018. As part of the GOP’s plan to win the midterm elections by stoking fear and hatred of immigrants, Trump deploys the National Guard to the border, warning of "caravans." The plan failed to win the midterms for the GOP, but surely succeeded in stoking fear and hatred.
President Trump Signs Proclamation To Send National Guard Troops To Mexican The move has many precedents. Every president since Ronald Reagan has called on the National Guard for limited, temporary missions along the frontier.
WEEK 64 of Biden: April 4-10, 2022. Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first black woman on the court, is confirmed 53-47 by the senate. She would later join Kagan and Sotomayor in dissenting on Dobbs, the decision where Trump & Bush justices removed abortion rights.
In historic first, Ketanji Brown Jackson is confirmed to Supreme Court - By a vote of 53-47, the Senate on Thursday afternoon confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as the 116th justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Jackson will become the first Black woman to serve on the cou...
WEEK 65 of Trump: April 9-15, 2018. Trump tweets wantonly about imminent US military operations, before US intelligence confirmation. After Assad once again attacks civilians with chemical weapons, the US, UK, and France strike “targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities” of Assad.
After warning Russia, Trump tweets on possible Syria strike Day after telling Russia to "get ready," president says timing of U.S. response to suspected chemical attack still fluid
WEEK 65 of Biden: April 11-17, 2022. Biden speaks with Zelensky, reaffirming support for Ukraine. After Russia is roundly defeated in Kyiv, Putin refocuses on eastern Ukraine. Sweden and Finland take first steps towards NATO membership (they are both now members). Elon Musk threatens to buy Twitter.
Despite Russian Warnings, Finland and Sweden Draw Closer to NATO (Published 2022) The invasion of Ukraine has heightened security fears, pushing even formally nonaligned countries toward the Western alliance.
WEEK 66 of Trump: April 16-22, 2018. Trump decides not to impose new sanctions on Russia for their support of Assad, embarrassing Nikki Haley who had just announced them publicly. Meanwhile, Trump lies about North Korea, claiming they had agreed to denuclearize (North Korea still has nukes today).
Sanctions Flap Erupts Into Open Conflict Between Haley and White House (Published 2018) A top White House official said Nikki Haley experienced “momentary confusion” by announcing new sanctions on Russia. “I don’t get confused,” she replied.
WEEK 66 of Biden: April 18-24, 2022. Biden meets with the prime minister of Ukraine, continuing to highlight the new $800 million in US military assistance. Putin, defeated in Kyiv, vows to continue the war and engages in some nuclear saber-rattling as he tests a new ICBM.
Warning Ukraine’s Friends to ‘Think Twice,’ Putin Tests Advanced Missile (Published 2022) Vladimir Putin said Russia’s test-firing of its new I.C.B.M. sends a message, as his forces prepare for a broad offensive in eastern Ukraine.
WEEK 67 of Trump: April 23-29, 2018. Trump resists pressure from Macron to keep the US in the Iran nuclear deal. The historic agreement had limited Iran’s nuclear capabilities and fostered peace, diplomacy, and cooperation between Iran and the rest of the world. Trump blew it up to spite Obama.
Macron Doesn't Believe He Changed Trump's Mind On The Iran Trump has said since he was a presidential candidate that he wanted to scrap the nuclear agreement with Tehran.
WEEK 67 of Biden: April 25 - May 1, 2022. Biden pushes for billions more in military assistance to Ukraine. US congress would soon approve this, along with dozens of other countries around the world. GOP now blocks new aid. Elon moves forward with buying Twitter. Macron beats Le Pen a second time.
Biden seeks $33 billion war chest to support Ukraine, Zelenskiy wants quick approval | President Joe Biden asked Congress for $33 billion to support Ukraine - a dramatic escalation of U.S. funding for the war with Russia - and the Ukrainian president pleaded with lawmakers to give the r...
WEEK 68 of Trump: April 30 - May 6, 2018. Trump ends Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Honduras, devastating families of 57,000 Hondurans living legally in the US for 20+ years with extended TPS. Trump ended TPS for almost all countries. Biden has reversed these decisions and expanded TPS.
Trump administration ends special immigration protections for 57,000 About 57,000 Hondurans will lose legal status as the Trump administration phases out the Temporary Protected Status for legal immigrants.
WEEK 68 of Biden: May 2-8, 2022. Politico leaks a draft of Alito’s majority opinion in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health, in which 3 Trump-appointed justices and 3 Bush-appointed justices overturn Roe vs. Wade and remove the federal right to abortion. Biden harshly denounces the leaked opinion.
Biden blasts 'radical' Roe draft, warns other rights at President Joe Biden is blasting what he calls a “radical” leaked draft opinion suggesting the Supreme Court is poised to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v.
WEEK 69 of Trump: May 7-13, 2018. Despite Macron’s best efforts (see week 67), Trump announces this week that the US is withdrawing from the Iran nuclear agreement. As a consequence, Iran’s nuclear capabilities are now growing, unconstrained by the limits of the deal. Melania starts “Be Best.”
Trump withdraws from Iran nuclear deal, isolating him further from world | CNN President Donald Trump announced Tuesday he is quitting the Iran nuclear deal, pitting him against the United States’ closest allies and leaving the future of Tehran’s nuclear ambitions in question.
WEEK 69 of Biden: May 9-15, 2022. While everyone is paying close attention to Ukraine, Biden’s request to congress for billions of dollars in Ukraine aid passes with little to no debate or resistance. In 2024, now that news about Ukraine penetrates less often, the GOP is happy to block Ukraine aid.
House Passes $40 Billion More in Ukraine Aid, With Few Questions Asked (Published 2022) As lawmakers have embraced more than $50 billion to Kyiv within two months, they have largely refrained from raising concerns or questioning the Biden administration’s strategy.
WEEK 70 of Trump: May 14-20, 2018. During protests at the Gaza border, sparked by Trump’s decision to move the US embassy, Israel had recently shot and killed 50 Palestinians. This week, Trump’s UN ambassador Nikki Haley defends those killings, and walks out when the Palestinian ambassador speaks.
Nikki Haley defends Israel after Gaza violence, walks out of The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations defended Israel over the violence at the Gaza border
WEEK 70 of Biden: May 16-22, 2022. After a mass shooting in Buffalo, Biden gives a speech condemning the white supremacist rhetoric that inspired it, calling it “a poison running through our body politic.” Biden uses the Defense Production Act to help fix a baby formula shortage.
Biden gives emotional speech after Buffalo shooting: ‘White supremacy is a poison’ | CNN President Joe Biden on Tuesday did not hesitate to call the deadly mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, an act of domestic terrorism, condemning the racist ideology of the suspected shooter.
WEEK 71 of Trump: May 21-27, 2018. Trump’s partial repeal of Dodd-Frank passes in the House, a dangerous deregulatory gift to banks. Trump’s summit with Kim is canceled, later to be uncanceled. There were 2 of these. The outcome of both was Trump heaping praise on Kim and getting nothing out of it.
Congress Approves First Big Dodd-Frank Rollback (Published 2018) The bipartisan legislation will now head to President Trump, leaving fewer than 10 big banks subject to stricter post-crisis oversight.
WEEK 71 of Biden: May 23-29, 2022. With the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act blocked in the senate by Sinema +Manchin + GOP, Biden does the best he can alone with an executive order. A shooter kills 19 children in Uvalde, TX, and Biden renews calls to ban assault weapons (congress blocks this).
Biden signs executive order on policing 2 years after George Floyd's The order is aimed at reforming federal police practices and establishing a national database of police misconduct.
WEEK 72 of Trump: May 28 - June 3, 2018. Related to partial Dodd-Frank repeal, Trump further loosens banking regulations around the Volcker Rule, allowing big banks to make riskier bets. After further negotiations with North Korea, the summit canceled the previous week is now uncanceled.
Big Banks to Get a Break From Limits on Risky Trading (Published 2018) The Fed proposed loosening the Volcker Rule, which prevents banks from trading with depositors’ money. The move is expected to give banks more room for complex trades.
WEEK 72 of Biden: May 30 - June 5, 2022. In the wake of Uvalde, Biden continues to push for a federal assault weapons ban and other gun control measures. He asks “how much more carnage are we willing to accept?” He also works on providing rockets to Ukraine and fixing the baby formula shortage.
'Enough!': Biden calls for assault weapons One day after a gunman killed four people at a hospital in Tulsa, Okla., President Joe Biden addressed the nation from the White House, vowing to pressure Congress into enacting new gun control measur...
WEEK 73 of Trump: June 4-10, 2018. At the G7 meeting, Trump gets into a fight with prime minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, throws a temper tantrum and leaves early. Trump’s advisor Peter Navarro said Trudeau has a “special place in hell.” Navarro is currently in prison for contempt of Congress.
Trump rips ‘meek and mild’ Trudeau for criticizing US President Trump criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Saturday for acting “meek and mild” during their meetings at the weekend’s Group of Seven (G-7) summit…
WEEK 73 of Biden: June 6-12, 2022. Responding to Biden’s call, the House passes a bill raising the age for purchasing assault rifles to 21. It dies in the Senate. At an international summit, Biden gets along well with leaders he is ideologically in step with (Trudeau), and opposed to (Bolsonaro).
House passes sweeping gun bill to raise assault rifle purchase age to 21; plan faces long odds in the The House passed a sweeping gun bill that would raise the minimum age to purchase an assault rifle to 21, but it faces long odds in the Senate.
WEEK 74 of Trump: June 11-17, 2018. We learn that over six weeks, Trump’s “zero tolerance” border policy has separated 2000 children from their families. Trump and Kim finally meet and agree to “work towards” denuclearization, but it never happened. North Korea very much still has nukes.
US child migrants: 2,000 separated from families in six Figures show the scale of family separations under a crackdown on illegal immigrants at the Mexico border.
WEEK 74 of Biden: June 13-19, 2022. Biden gives an interview in which he discusses efforts to fight inflation and says a recession is “not inevitable.” As of April 2024, we are not in recession. Unemployment is 3.8%, down from 6.4% when Biden took office. Inflation is 3.5%, down from 9.1% at peak.
AP Interview: Biden says a recession is 'not inevitable' President Joe Biden says the American people are “really, really down” after a tumultuous two years with the coronavirus pandemic, volatility in the economy and now surging gasoline prices that are hi...