
What Trump and his supporters, overt and covert, want most of all right now is for the anti-Trump coalition to tear itself apart and make enemies of each other, fighting over whether Biden should drop out of the race. Whatever your position, remember we will all need to come together to stop Trump.
If you think he should stay in (I am leaning this way): In case Biden does end up listening to the advice to drop out, be ready to support Harris or whoever replaces him, and regardless, don't make enemies of the people who are now calling for him to drop out.
If you think he should drop out (idk but I'm listening): In case Biden decides to stay in, be ready to get firmly behind him, because in that scenario, a 2nd term for Biden is the only thing that can prevent 2nd term for Trump. And regardless, don't make enemies of his current staunch supporters.
i will vote for not-trump and iโ€™ll do so joyously iโ€™ll write postcards and letters for not-trump