
I’m just some guy, but if I were advising Biden right now I would tell him to plan a big announcement β€” one way or the other β€” around July 22. By that date, GOP convention will be over, Trump VP picked, scotus immunity ruling done, Trump sentenced by Merchan. But still time before Dem convention.
At this announcement, Option A: acknowledge the concerns, say you have considered, and you are staying the course with fire in your belly. Now that both VP nominees are picked, challenge the Trump team to a VP debate AND one more Trump vs Biden debate in October, for the usual total of 3 + VP.
Option B: Say you’re stepping down as nominee for the good of the country. Strongly endorse Kamala Harris. Harris accepts endorsement and names her already-agreed-upon VP (eg Whitmer). Coordinate key endorsements of Harris-Whitmer ticket (from eg Sanders, Warren, AOC, Newsom) to follow immediately.
If option A of asking for MORE debates sounds too scary to you, consider option B. If the whole party will not coalesce around Harris immediately, consider option A. I would strongly advise AGAINST option C, do nothing and sleepwalk to November, or option D, provoke chaos at a brokered convention.
I don't hate this idea