
It’s delusional to plan on Biden getting through this campaign without another time-stopping display of decline. But once he’s officially the nominee, there will be no choice but to continuously gaslight the public. That’s a winning Republican strategy, not Democrat strategy.
This is the part I can't understand people being in denial about. If Biden shits the bed again like he did at that debate between now and the convention, it will actually save us because the momentum will finally be enough to push him out. The worst case is he shits the bed AFTER the convention.
Here's where we are: accusing the NYT of fake news and then inventing our own fake news, that the doc was working on policy, when there's no evidence of that. Biden probably doesn't have Parkinson's. If he's staying ahead of health things that's good, but the campaign has to be transparent.
I've avoided commenting on the Parkinson's stuff so far because still absorbing it and seems like the NYT will at some point have to respond to the idea that it was all about policy, but yes I have noticed all the jumping to conclusions.
Same, even focusing on Parkinson’s sidesteps the point that we don’t need a diagnosis or testing. He’s already proven shockingly incapable of prosecuting the case against Trump! We have all the info we need.
right. there doesn't need to be anything medically wrong with him, any specific diagnosis of anything. dude is too old. it's time to retire. everyone understands this about RBG and Dianne Feinstein, how they made the wrong choice to stay too long. idk why they can't see it with Biden.