NikkSinc 📚

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NikkSinc 📚

Battersea born, now living in Sussex. Freelance editorial manager. LOVE Earl Grey tea, books, The Archers, CPFC and all things ginger. Owned by a collie and a marmalade cat. Pisces: never knowingly decisive. Fav hieroglyph: Eye of Horus
Both of these statements are true: I abhor violence. There are two men whose arrogance, reflected in their jawlines, makes me want to punch each very hard on his chin.
PM had a historian on to talk about the effect the assassination attempt will have on the election. He spent a lot of the time talking about Biden’s ‘cognitive decline’ without once mentioning Trump’s ramblings. He gave opinions without facts and there was no balance. Very disappointing.
Morning, Guy, morning all. Feels a bit flat today after all the sporting excitement of the weekend. Still, on the bright side, the Tories are out and Labour have made a positive start 👍
Avatar Hope you’ve managed to have a decent amount of sleep and your eye heals asap 🤞
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Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
Slightly irritated that no commentator has pointed out that Labour’s reduced share of the vote is due to tactical voting. This is the first election this has really been a thing and it’s made a difference.
Woohoo, just seen Mid Sussex has gone to the LibDems 🎊🥳 Alison Bennett is going to be an excellent MP and will definitely work for her constituents rather than herself. Massively relieved.
It’s essential that every non Tory/Reform MP behaves impeccably both in parliament and their constituencies. Show up the braying right-wingers for what they are.
Oh hallelujah – JRM is out!!!
Farage and Tice in parliament – Jesus wept 😏
I’ve given up on Channel 4’s election coverage. I’d have stuck with it if Mad Nads and Ann Widdecomb weren’t there.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie.
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It is a sickening topsy turvy world in which Johnson can bloviate about “if you want to protect democracy, vote Tory” The proroguing pig
Just caught up with #TheArchers Hate to say it but I think George is going to end up taking his own life. It’s the most common cause of death in men aged under 45 and not a storyline that’s been covered since Greg in 2004.
Wish a journalist would point out PM Johnson took whole weeks off to ‘write’ his book.
Yesterday, in my eagerness to let OH know the game was about to start, I stubbed my little toe on an unyielding drill case
It’s never easy being an England fan. Not sure how my OH hasn’t exploded by now. I’m a bit more philosophical 🙄
Is Nige the only person in the UK that’s surprised his private limited company appears to attract racists, homophobes and misogynists amongst others?
Post an image people can hear when they see it
Post an image people can hear when they see it
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Bookmark / like for later. ✔️ Share with a friend. ✔️ Listen now. ✔️ Drift off. ✔️
I live in an area of the UK with lots of trees and lots of jackdaws. They regularly move roosting sites but are never far away. The last two days they seem very agitated: chatting constantly and taking off en masse far more than usual. Does anyone have any idea why that might be?
The monster who woke me at 5.32 ‘killing’ a tennis ball to get my attention. I haven’t managed to go back to sleep. Meanwhile, he’s been out to see his mates, had breakfast and is now preventing me from getting a second cup of tea #catslave
I don’t understand how Reform can simultaneously be a political party and a limited business with subscribers who don’t get a vote on policies. Can someone explain, please?
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Tories want to cut benefits to disabled people. Didn’t hear much of that in the launch.
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Vote the Tories OUT!
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The Nazis were far right ideology. They were not normal. It was not ok. We, back then, fought those far right ideologies. We DID NOT normalise them & support the government spouting them. For fuck’s sake, all those people that fought & died for us would be horrified.
I’m absolutely certain Joe Biden is a man with a kind heart but is he really the very best man the Democrats can find to combat the absolute car crash that is Trump? Asking from the UK where we know the outcome will affect the rest of the world.