
It gets better. I work for an agency (that I want to leave because they underpay me, but can't afford to just yet). Agency uses AI detectors. So I've changed my style to avoid them. End client: Make this more formal. They WANT the writing that flags the detectors!
This reminds me of one freelance gig I had many years ago where I learned to put in one error per page so the editor felt like they were doing something and left the rest of my manuscript alone. I did mostly subject-verb disagreements.
Ha. I get the sending it back to change one word a lot when working for the agency that won't let me limit revisions. I limit revisions in part to stop this kind of thing, but mostly because if I don't then six different people weigh in on the piece and all make different requests...sequentially
...often contradicting each other.
Yes, we have this with clients at my current job. We try to tell them they must consolidate all the comments on a single draft but good luck with that.
Right? It's not in their interests either, dang it