
So, because I'm tired. Biden has a stutter. Stuttering is a speech defect NOT a cognitive condition. We tend to think of a stutter as the H-h-h-ollywood s-s-s-tutter which is written out like this. This is ONE possible symptom of stuttering. Others include: * Anxiety about speaking
* Drawing out vowel sounds * Adding more interjections than normal (we all um and uh more than we think, but stutterers do it even more) * Repeating words * Changing words in a sentence * Repeating phrases * "Losing" a word, sometimes having to replace it with a different one
* Not finishing a thought * Body language tics such as head nodding or eye blinking * Avoiding words that tend to trigger a stutter
Stuttering can be treated but people who stutter into adult can't currently be "cured" (A lot of kids stutter but grow out of it). Stutter symptoms are made worse by: * Stress * Fatigue * Frustration, *including frustration at one's own stutter* * Being teased about stuttering * Excitement
* Feeling self-conscious or pressured * Feeling hurried The debate likely caused excitement, pressure, and a feeling of being hurried, making it look worse. Oh, and he was jetlagged. Biden *does not have dementia* He has a speech disorder. It doesn't affect his ability to govern.
The problem is none of that matters. The perception is there that he is old and addled and that is what will move forward. I personally do not believe he can overcome this. The media will not let him. On top of that we will be seeing his debate clips in ads right up to Nov. 5.
We have to counter the narrative.
Some people,without ethics or humanity, know these things and use them as a form of gaslighting. I came across this.
You think Trump may have intentionally tried to get Biden to stutter more. I hadn't thought of that...he might not be that smart himself but...
Thank you for pointing this outThank you for pointing this out again. Stuttering is an invisible disability which people don't really understand. Besides , if you have seen the amount of work he had done before and after the speech: He sure has stamina to do all that
And see i'm not even stuttering but the stupid voice typing is hecking up
Avatar voice typing glitches a LOT. But i'm too lazy to type at almost
When I was a kid I had dyslexia, and back in my day where I grew up it was not something that they screened for or cared about. I had anxiety whenever I had to read up a text loud to the class
My dad had untreated dyslexia. I sometimes wonder what he would have achieved...
I have never found any voice typing works well
Which is extremely shameful because there are a lot of people who do rely on this...
I am seriously considering when I can afford diversity readers again putting in a fairly major character with a stutter and trying to get it right.
Ps: If the book is out let me know...:)
His stutter is not as bad in planned speeches as it is in debates, because of the pressure. Don't use an orange to try and say the apple is rotten.
There is stutter and there is not remembering basic facts, freezing, inability to finish a sentence. You need these things to be a shop manager, let alone president. He's lost his mind and he cannot function. Using his disability as an excuse is ugly.