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Tantrums and frustrations
"He stutters. He has always stuttered" Show me where he stuttered in this 10 minute speech about his "Biden Crime Bill" in 1993. Where is the passion he had for "locking up human predators" when he debates the fascist?
Joe Biden's Crime Bill Speech of 1993youtu.be On Nov 18th 1993, Senator Joe Biden gave speech on the Senate Floor calling for passing of his Crime Bill, which passed in 1994. In this speech, Biden talks ...
"i'm ridin' with biden!" - i say as he goes into reverse on the interstate because he missed his exit
As soon as they find the elixir of youth.
Breaking news: President Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for officewww.washingtonpost.com Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
Do we already know how Biden's debate catastrophe is Bernie's fault?
ageism lmfao i like how i had never heard that word until the geriatric unit broke out and took over the country I'll say it - YOURE TOO FUCKING OLD TO LEAD A WALK AROUND THE BLOCK, RETIRE YA USELESS FUCKS
American libs:
We are sending telegrams. We are sending pigeons. As soon as the parchments are ready we are sending horsemen. We got this!
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Someone should let her know that she isn't the candidate. The walking dead behind her is.
Jill Biden appeared unmoved by panic over Joe Biden’s debate performance while speaking at a campaign event in North Carolina. “I said, ‘Look, Joe, we are not going to let 90 minutes define the four years that you’ve been president,’” she said.
Jill Biden appears unmoved by panic over Joe Biden’s debate showingwapo.st “When he gets knocked down, Joe gets back up, and that’s what we’re doing today,” the first lady told attendees at a New York fundraiser.
You know what? I am 200% certain I can murder Trump in any debate, with no prep, with COVID fever and on any drugs you might want to put me on. You know why? Because I am not born in the 16th century and don't have terminal dementia.
Biden not bad enough for you? There are options!
🚨BREAKING: Biden resigns, nominates Commander as successor:
Dana Bash Reminds Biden He Has 40 Seconds Of Life Remaining
Biden can’t handle Trump in a debate but we can trust him with the nuclear arsenal.
Trump said the wildest, most insane, psychotic bilious shit imaginable and he *did* sound more coherent than Biden. That’s how disastrous it was for Biden.
Biden: ‘Please, I Beg Of You, Free Me From My Flesh Prison’
Please, @mattbinder.bsky.social drag the MR team to Bluesky. Twitter SUCKS even if it wasn't completely unethical to hang on to a fascist echo chamber owned by an insane fascist oligarch.
Quick! Everyone! You've not done anything to protest oil but do tell the world about how JSO is doing it wrong. It's a very helpful thing to do. You will be thanked by our dying biosphere for your brave stand against *checks notes* the people protesting being dead from climate change.
Bernie at 82 - too old to run, why wouldn't he retire, shame! Nancy Pelosi at 82 - OMG, Master Legislator, you go queen, run again in 2024 at the very young age of 84!!! Your days of insider trading and hoovering bribes are not over! For your block lists: @gothamgirlblue.com
Greatest Democracy
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