
So, a lede that is being buried from yesterday's U.K. elections. The most powerful party in Northern Ireland is no longer the Conservative and Unionist Party. But it's not the Labour Party either. The party with the most seats in Northern Ireland as of today is: Sinn Fein.
My primary hope is that people might...although the way the numbers are it's not that high a vote starting to see that the Unionists do not hold the answer to Ireland's problems. They are, in fact, the cause of Ireland's problems. We might not get it in 2024, but I have hope.
Oh wow. And I saw that now the most powerful party in Scotland is now Scottish Labour, which is unionist. I don’t know enough about UK politics to conclude anything other than to wonder how wild that might be.
I read into that much more of a desire to kick out the Tories...and likely a feeling that independence isn't going to happen any time soon and trying to drag England back into the EU (which I also doubt will happen, but seems more likely) is better...than Unionism per se.
Also Labour is not nearly as Unionist as the Conservative AND UNIONIST party. So...
Sinn Fein? Looking forward to see them throw their weight around Westminster. No. Wait.
Voting for Sinn Fein is almost the ultimate protest vote. It's explicitly saying you're done with the English.
The SDLP take seats in Britain. As their leader, himself an MP, said recently "We are ignored, and that's at the best of times."
Yup. SF now has more seats than they do.