
It’s all good, as long as I’m having a good time writing it, 😁.
Thanks for posting this: I sometimes forget I need to do the "vomit the idea out" draft, and it's caused more than one instance of burn-out. So thank you.
Easier to work with something than nothing. You can always edit. There’s a satisfaction in finishing, even if what you finished is a mess. And so on, 😁. I think it is a rare writer who can throw down near perfection as the first draft.
You should hear what my electronic music sounds like when it's still in rough draft. It's like an idiot stepped on a car alarm. I also had to learn not to chase perfection out the gate. Caused literal years of musical drought (:
Same with comedy, which has the caveat that you need to actually perform to actual literal people it before judging if it works or not. And jokes are never a guarantee 100% on all crowds, so it's even more guesswork and judgment and :)))))))
Do you ever post recipes for the dishes made in your novels? How do you make pepper soup?
Those recipes are difficult to write down because I know them by “a dash of this and a dash of that”. You intuit your way through it. If you’ve never had the dish, it’s better to have it at a restaurant 1st, so you know what it should taste like. They’re VERY easy to mess up (I know this well, 😆).
Plus, the ingredients can be tough to find. Pepper soup is thankfully quite common in Nigerian restaurants. Best to start there. 😃 And yes, it’s DELICIOUS!🤤