This Barbie is a Plesiosaur

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This Barbie is a Plesiosaur

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss #NOLATwitter Also, #democracy
This seems fine…
Wild in Minnesota: A local (pro-Trump) judge is denying individuals their voting rights because he says a law expanding rights restoration is unconstitutional... tho "nobody involved ever asked him to rule on the constitutionality of the law."
Many moons ago, when I was displaced in Chicago, I dreamed about the day I’d finally be put in charge of plate tectonics, with plans to rearrange the midsection of the country so N.O. & Chicago were closer together by eliminating MO, northern LA & southern IL. Glad to see others thinking similarly!
Very excited about JB Pritzker's new organization
Youngkin stopped automatically restoring the voting rights of people who lost it over a conviction. And, we now know, he oversaw an illegal purge of people from voter rolls who hadn’t even lost their rights! All to thump his chest as tough on crime for elections.
“I Don’t Think They Care”: Virginia Is Slow-Walking the Fix to a Wrongful Voter With elections weeks away, state officials admitted improperly removing some people from voter rolls. Local advocates say the state is doing too little, too late to remedy the harm.
An executive order restored the voting rights of hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians, but many weren't told. A coalition of activists has now reached 89,000 people to inform them and help them register them to vote — nearly 60% of those affected.
Kentucky Activists Step In to Deliver on the Promise of Voting Rights After the governor restored hundreds of thousands of people’s rights in 2019, a coalition led by formerly incarcerated Kentuckians is working to inform people of their rights.
Ever wonder why Google search keeps getting worse? They're substituting your actual search query with something else--e.g. a brand name--that earns them more ad money.
I really love this new trend where terrible people from New Orleans (Michael Lewis, Walter Isaacson) write about terrible people destroying our world (Sam Bankman-Fried, Elon Musk.) New Orleans finally gets to participate in wealth-building! For those two dudes! Late-stage capitalism is so fun!!
McCarthy won't do this because he believes that as soon as he cooperates with Dems, he will lose his position. And his position is more important to him than shutting down the government
For all the frustration and griping by House Republicans, their problem only persists because right now 100% of them prefer to cater to their hardliners than work with Democrats. If a handful of Republicans signed a discharge petition, they could easily fund gov’t.
Democrats challenge 'MIA' GOP centrists to team up and keep the government Democrats say a handful of "missing in action" Republicans can join their "discharge petition" to end-run Speaker McCarthy and force a vote on a short-term funding bill.
By refusing to bring the bipartisan, Senate-negotiated CR to the floor, Speaker McCarthy shows that he prioritizes his own powerful job over the state of the nation. That’s not how public service should work.
Here’s the thing—you don’t want to work. None of us really do. We want hobbies, passions, things that drive & excite us that aren’t tied to salary, sustenance. Banging on the drum all day seems appealing. But you ALSO don’t want to play so, now, I’m concerned. Feels compulsive, obsessive, unhealthy
Yep—my grammar school/high school teachers were radical leftist nuns.
I think people need to read up on old-school social-justice Catholic Democrats so they won't continue to be surprised at who Joe Biden is. Go read about Dorothy Day, will you please?
Everyone knows how to send birthday party invitations. But not everyone knows that you should also send a card to the people who AREN'T invited to inform them why you don't want them there. It's called politeness.
Important program, tell your friends! All the bad press about the price of the booster was RICHLY deserved, but I worry about it deterring people who might not hear about how to get them for free, whether or not they have insurance.
While vaccines are now commercialized and covered by most insurance, the CDC has a new "Bridge Access Program" providing no-cost vaccines for uninsured and underinsured adults avail thru December 31, 2024. Visit for details. . #Covid #LongCovid #NEISvoid #Healthcare
Free Covid rapid tests are back. The goal here: Encourage use AND maintain warm domestic rapid test production capacity, critical for both Covid and future disease threats. It's been a boom-'n-bust phenomenon for producers so far.
Incredibly helpful for newbies like me!
Happy National Voter Registration Day Make sure everyone you know checks their registration Also a good day to remember registration is unnecessary and voter suppression. Republicans know this because North Dakota hasn't had registration since 1951. And you never hear them complain about it.
Check Your Voter Registration Status - It takes less than 30 seconds to check your registration status with our free 50-state tool. And if you're not registered, we'll help you take care of that too. Fast, free, secure, non-partisan.
Looking for #NOLATwitter up in here!
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