maundering yokel

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maundering yokel

as on this voyage, out of goblinry
incorrect I already invented whatever this is
thought I was going to clean up the last haircut I gave myself and it kept feeling like not enough until I buzzed it all down to the 1/2 clipper guard. as a man you are entitled to do this a certain number of times in your life but no one knows how many
not incredibly shocking that a guy lately known for a mandalorian episode with lizzo might like fame and money and do bad stuff to be allowed to keep them
my bullshit detector is going ape shit. and my ape shit detector is going bananas
one purpose trump serves really well for the rotten system that existed long before him is laundering the reputations of a bunch of creeps by comparison to him
is the contention here that this is wrong because the feeling of "righteous anger" is about the objective righteousness of a cause rather than the internal state of the person feeling it? because that seems silly, especially for a lawyer
Doctor said I had an athlete's foot, I told him that's forward, but that he had model's eyes and could call me anytime.
no sorry this has not happened to me. I am the chosen one able to tell the difference between my phone and real life
going to start saying "more's the pity," you cannot stop or judge me
wouldn't an all black american flag just be a rectangle
oh is there a newsball happening. I have literally been reading like 500 pages of schlock high fantasy for the past 18 hours please tell me if a newsball is happening
not that I don't agree b**** is on the better end of the profession but as a matter of principle it's like ohh nooo not a pundit! not one of our precious columnists! who will opine now!
cat looking a little AI generated, where are your other legs
this looks like something you would get an xbox achievement for destroying a few dozen of scattered around the city
tried reading that best books NYT thing but the way people write about books sucks too much. everything is sinuous, or getting put into stark relief, or quietly graceful. there's a toolbox of phrases and a really unpleasant ingratiating tone people seem to feel the need to take on to do this stuff
don't really like the pokemon aspect of birding. if you can't retain your childlike wonder at seeing the same sparrow every day I don't think you're going to make it
this rules because it's the abstract complaint of every ideology and you have to figure out what it means from context clues
"my numbers are better in israel than they are here" maybe not the boast you think it is
he definitely did just say "vice president trump" but that's fine you know what he meant
haven't read on being the right size in a couple years but it's exactly as good as I remember, "gravity, a mere nuisance to christian, was a terror to pope," we don't have to think or talk about the last two paragraphs
outside of the compositional optics here what amateur let them use the british spelling of "combating"
Even if Biden stays in the race I suspect we'll see Harris featured more prominently online. These are Facebook ads that started running July 9.
(picking glass out of my feet) these actually used to be wall sconces believe it or not. but now thanks to our efforts the village square is pitch black. and strewn with shards
goblin community downcycling initiative
do not get it twisted: shelley duvall was not a professional actress. she was an innocent woman kidnapped by stanley kubrick and filmed reacting to the events of the shining, which she believed was real. who will face justice for this crime
I don't think this article loses anything if it doesn't nonsenically refer to st. petersburg, a city of 5 million people, as "putin's hometown"
the last good day on twitter probably, big news but weird and far away, difficult for anybody to twist to their own pet issues but easy to riff on
I don't mean in general there were like a million of them three weeks ago. I guess the heat must be either killing them or keeping them on the ground because in theory they should still be around
lightning bugs almost all gone, just a couple of guys gamely sputtering on and off now
lightning bugs almost all gone, just a couple of guys gamely sputtering on and off now