
Holy fuck Starship survived just enough to do the flip and landing burn. Burned through flap still moved and worked. Crazy.
That flap gave everything
Yeah, I am in awe. Like, obviously the flap needs to not burn through in future, but the actuators presumably being safe inside the main fuselage helped, and I guess it had enough structure left to do its job.
Yeah! Built solid but I also heard they left out a few additional tiles and made some thinner in places for this test. Either way a bucket load of telemetry for them, and gorgeous shots for us.
Yeah, but those were on the body in a safer spot. That wasn't what burned through. But I'm really curious what the data will tell them about how to protect those flaps. Them needing to move makes it way harder. I do wonder if they need to make the nose blunter, get the shockwave further out.