
Meh. This is a Trump-as-client problem, not a Trump-lawyer problem. One thing you have to know as a Trump lawyer is that he undercuts himself all the time. If they were smart enough to make sure to get paid in advance, this won’t hurt them. If they haven’t, he wasn’t going to pay them anyway.
I disagree. There were declarations filed by Clifford Robert (attorney to Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump) and Alan Garten (General Counsel to the Trump Organization) in the Appellate Division that made representations regarding Former President Trump's cash position.
I know how my state court criminal cases work, so civil cases may be different, but where I practice, as long as lawyers did their job honestly and with reasonable diligence, their client’s fraud is their client’s fraud. Did the lawyers here personally vouch for their Trump’s representations?
So in a case about making false representations about financial matters, the attorneys would need to admit that their client was making more false representations about financial matters?
Maybe. And maybe I’m missing something. But as long as the lawyers did their jobs diligently and honestly, this is all their client’s problem. Yeah, it makes it less likely that the lawyers will get a W to brag about, but it’s still their client’s problem.