
the actual operative question here is: what are the conditions that have led to Hamas being in power, and how can we change them? it’s the people pushing for a ceasefire who are the ones thinking seriously about that question
No one has a plan for how a ceasefire that leaves Hamas in charge of Gaza gets to peace and a Palestinian state. Some propose ending the blockade, rewarding Hamas’s attack by enabling bigger and faster rearming. Some simply assume Hamas away and imagine a better future. How to get there from here?
this discussion reminds me a bit of debates about the carceral state. no matter how much data there is about the inefficacy of punitive solutions, it’s the people who oppose them who are always made to explain themselves
the real bottom line is this: we should not have to draft a blueprint for a workable Middle East peace plan before we’re allowed to stand against a campaign of mass murder
This is the quintessential problem with centrists and the general “adults in the room” attitude. They defend inaction as preferable to action even when that inaction is the potential slaughter of millions of children.
“A ceasefire leaves Hamas in power!” Unlike the 20 year occupation in Afghanistan that now has the Taliban back in power?
“Well what’s your plan?” Is such an extremely online debate me bro question. I don’t have a plan! It’s not my job to make a plan! And it’s not your job either. Doesn’t mean I can’t be pissed that the people whose job it actually is can’t do it without shitting the bed.
Yes. In what world is it my responsibility to make the plan for peace in the Middle East.
Oh but it's your responsibility to play armchair Hague?
It’s everyone’s responsibility to loudly and publicly protest crimes against humanity, yes.
Crimes against humanity happen all over the world every day. Sometimes major ones. And you haven't said shit. You only seem to care when Jews are accused of it.
Sorry actually if you do not hold a masters in peace studies and have the ability to draft god’s own white paper on how to divvy up the land along the green line then how can you say bombing civilians is worse?
Some of these comments are wild. All they're doing is proving your point more.
Holy shit what a cowardly statement. You don't have a "blueprint" because there isn't one. If there was Israel would have used it many times over by now. This is why wars happen.
Any violations of ICC should be called out, but to say they should just do nothing is not a position.
How in God's name have you come to the conclusion that Israel's only options are 1. Bomb and invade Gaza 2. Do nothing
It's really that simple