
"It marks the second incident in two months involving a Tesla’s near miss-with a train while utilising its driver assistance system." You can tell Tesla is close to "solving self-driving" because they are down to the tough edge cases like *checks notes* trains
Tesla autopilot appears to veer electric vehicle onto train track it mistook for Local police urged drivers to remain ‘vigilant while using Tesla's autopilot feature,’ noting that it ‘can fail’
has anyone asked them to square the stuff about "a self-driving car will drive much more safely than a human" with "a self-driving car should operate with just cameras because vision is how people drive"
Cult members have a ready-to-go reference library of goal-post shifting to match anything FSD/AP fails at. Conveniently ignoring that people's eyes are in fact connected to an organic brain makes their vision-only case much easier.
people use more senses than just vision anyway!