
re-electing biden will not stop these destructive supreme court decisions. it's scary and it sucks but that's reality. we still need to vote for biden to contain the damage, but unless all dems, including biden, start supporting packing the court, this damage will be locked in for generations
If Biden wins this time, Thomas and Alito will be around 80, so it’s not crazy to think he could get the court to 5-4 liberal himself. If the Dems then win the next presidency too then it’s getting close to a lock
very true, assuming dems keep the senate (although that's very unlikely). it's just beyond what most dems think, which is that re-election will stop the madness
Don’t even have to win the senate back this time. He has another cycle.
This is the least friendly Senate map of the three and the fact that it looks even possible to hold fifty is pretty fucking massive
Also, everyone forgets this but Roberts is also old and has serious health concerns so yeah, winning another term puts a total reversal of the court as a strong possibility
What are Roberts health issues?
He has a history of unexplained seizures severe enough to require hospitalization
**if we win the senate, which is really unlikely
true true, although midterms tend to go the other way, i can't remember how friendly the map looks for 26
It looks like a baseline 0/+1 map in 2026. As always, voting for Dems is a “necessary but insufficient” requirement for political change. Progressive/leftists need to center institutional reforms (Senate, courts esp.) in their platform to accomplish their policy goals
that class is our best map, which is to say 2014 and 2020 were both underperforming years Senate-wise
that is at least somewhat comforting