
No way. We can’t get a new Vice President confirmed with a GOP House and it would be suicide to go into the election without one. I think Biden should cede the nomination but he’s gotta finish his term
He can’t finish his term, he can’t serve
Ideally he’ll resign, but I don’t think the careerist hacks in his inner circle will allow that
I don't get rhe VP argument. If he does resign, do they think Harris is gonna immediately spontaneously combust? Playing the odds, it really doesn't matter that she can't get a VP through the Senate
And if something does happen to her, Reumpnks virtually guaranteed to win the election so what does it matter if the GOP had an extra few months in the White House?
He can serve just fine. He’s old as fuck and it does present well but there’s literally no evidence that he’s not competent. But in any case we can’t not have a VP and have Mike Johnson next in line.
*doesn’t present well
There’s five years of evidence that he’s incompetent
That's just nonsense. He got the most progressive agenda in my lifetime through Congress with the slimmest of majority. He pantsed the GOP on the debt ceiling and aid to Ukraine.
if i ever said the words "the most progressive agenda in my lifetime" i would not be pointing to an administration with a farther right immigration policy than trump, nor to one actively aiding and abetting a genocide
Disagreeing with or being morally outraged by his actions isn’t evidence of his incompetence. If it is, every single president in US history was incompetent.
The fact that this is your “argument” is all of the evidence anyone should need that your endorsement of the 25th A thing as a way of changing the candidate is done in complete bad faith.
there's no way anyone in the Democratic party gives Harris presidency at the same time as a political campaign for an election
Oh the drama. Let me get you a fainting couch List three things he’s done that show this is accurate. You can’t and won’t because you’re being ridiculous. PS - it’s clear you’re a drama queen looking for attention or a complete moron if you think this is actually what the 25th is for
What the fuck are you taking about man