
Gift article, anyone can read. It's highly unlikely any Republican / MAGA could ever be trusted again, it's all a lie. They are likely the most extreme coalition of people in the country's history.
Opinion | Trump doesn’t want Americans to know what Republicans stand The former president wants the 2024 GOP platform to be anodyne, but don’t be fooled. He has an extreme agenda.
He also doesn't want Republicans to know, what he stands for : that there just cannon fodder for him. They all went to prison, bankrupt or are disbarred for him and now that Thomas has declared him immu e and corruption as not corruption, he'll extort them for pardons 😂 #UsefulIdiots
And they'll happily be extorted, the allure of omnipotent power is a nasty drug. He is the most unique religious figure I've ever encountered, he is literally a god to them.
I know. Those rallies are worse than Jiim Jones speeches! Dunno if you ever watched one from the start till the end. That's why I really,truly hope,the DHS,the FBI,the National Guard and all the other LE agencies are prepared for these wackos with their guns and bump stocks approved by Thomas 😠
It's far more likely they end up being the new brownshirts, Wray would bend to his will like he did the last time. All agencies would be run by pure loyalists.
That's the plan ,yes. But POTUS and DOJ are still working against that.
I don't think even one of them would stand up to him, he's broken the entire country and likely more than half of all para-military agency employees are MAGA. Most cops are and I'd bet 60% of the military.
The entire world knows!
Read post earlier. She went to a party, of 35 millennials and boomers, not one had heard of Project 2025. I'm guessing 80% of Americans have no idea.
OMG, that’s so disheartening.☹️😡
I was a bit flabbergasted to say the least. I'm seeing more of it and some nice little one / two page summaries, hopefully there's a compounding effect / goes viral.