Old Bold Pilot

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Old Bold Pilot


Do not exceed 1000 ft. AGL, avoid radar.

I built the plane I fly.

Probably kicked off Twatter cuz I could follow all 4 of musky’s B-Js.
Please make it so Pissed Off Women!
Maybe we all need to start writing this on sidewalks. Get out the chalk.
It’s going to be hilarious when Faux News meets their favorite Hitler.
Stephen Miller now following Trump's lead and saying he has nothing to do with Project 2025. 1. His organization is on the Project 2025 advisory board. 2. He recorded a video as part of Project 2025 training tools 3. You can see Mandate for Leadership, the Project 2025 publication in the background
I guess the GQP is going to have to find a new candidate since this fucking moron can’t get on the same page and forgets everything!
I remember when paranoid WASP’s ruled the country. They told me the Pope would tell JFK what to do. Didn’t happen. The Pope was pissed, so he decided to pack the Supreme Court. It worked. Have you read Project 2025? The Vatican is pleased.
Karma’s a bitch. Moscow Mitch gave the 🍊💩 the SCOTUS he wanted. But, he was too stupid not to convict Herr Drumpf when he was impeached cuz he said the President isn’t above the law … out loud on the Senate floor. But SCOTUS just ruled he is above the law and now 🍊💩 wants to arrest Mitch with Liz. 🤣
So much for originalism.
Patriot Takes: It seems like the SCOTUS immunity ruling violates the plain text of the Constitution. Article 1, Section 3 ⤵️
Epstein grand jury docs are being released. The 🍊💩 figures prominently in them. You won’t be surprised.
Now that the Supremes have crowned Biden as king can he please shitcan the feckless attorney General Garland and the ReThug head of the FBI, Wray and weaponize the DOJ to diligently investigate and prosecute the corrupt Supreme Court justices and the traitorous Congress critters that helped plan J6.
Dobbs is working so well for the country, right? Everything has gone so smoothly after the Roberts court overturned 40 years of precedence. I’m sure that Chevron will go just as smoothly. And now with 🍊💩 vs. U.S. making the president a king, what could go wrong? Happy Birthday America
“A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy – A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.” Looks like we lost it today. The massively corrupt Supreme Court majority just crowned our president as king.
SCOTUS just crowned Biden king. May he wield his scepter well and put the entire Drumpf family in the dungeon.
Reposted byAvatar Old Bold Pilot
Dear King Biden, Can you do some kingley things like using your power to throw him and his ilk in jail? You can also appoint more SCOTUSs to the bench. How about canceling the election & serving for another 4 years & after that you can appoint anybody you want. Let’s Go King Biden!
Irony died with Stare Decisis. The case that resulted in “Chevron” was brought before SCOTUS during the RayGun reign by Neil Gorsuch’s mommy when she headed EPA cuz she thought her “experts” could stifle environmentalists. Neil voted to overturn one of mommy’s crowning achievements. R.I.P. mommy G.
The GQP better start paying attention. The MAGA cult is not selling well with main street ReThugs. Appears the 🍊💩 lost, to me. Kinda shocking: m.youtube.com/watch?v=NKG8...
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I will never understand why this picture didn’t scare the crap out of every American and trigger a rigorous security investigation. Considering the amount of secret documents recovered from his golf hotel, I’m guessing our national secrets have been completely compromised.
I’m a pluviophile in Phoenix. Pray for my salvation. 🤪
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How long before someone slaps a toilet seat on the front of this modern Edsel?
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Reposted byAvatar Old Bold Pilot
No pill for you.
And those left behind have to clean out the museum. Wish my recently deceased wife had understood that. It can take years.
"Your life should not be a museum." "Being alive is as special an occasion as it gets."
Hey ReThugs, this is your karma. Deal with it!
Borrowed this because I love it so much.
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