
Twitter Files blogger Paul Thacker is back in my 📥, wanting to speak to the manager. Here are bits from the latest bad faith inquiry from the bullshit industrial complex, shared to show how it works. He claims to have “whistleblower” docs showing I secretly run election ops for DoD This is a lie.
Often it’s a waste of time to respond to bad faith inquiries, but the bullshit industrial complex relies on non-response: “DiResta declined to respond!” to create impression of guilt. Then comes innuendo: Thacker claims a company I left in early 2019 had sketchy DoD contracts & implies I did too.
Whether they did, whether I had anything to do with it, is irrelevant – the MO is to state two things and let the audience intuit the connection they want to believe. So here’s my response:
It takes hours of time to explain each point in here. Responding sometimes generates more confusion in bystanders, and is dismissed by the true believers anyway.
But I’m sharing to try to explain how the sausage is made. Because once he posts, other people will simply cite his work, laundering it from one outlet to another, it becomes reality for the fandom that follows him.
I don’t like having to do this. It’s stupid bullshit Internet drama. It feels petty and is a waste of time. But members of Congress now *cite these people*. Their bullshit winds up as evidence in lawsuits. Ignoring it isn’t obvs the right strategy anymore. I hope others are starting to see this.
Them trying to drag other workplace people into it seems pretty slimy.
"additional support on professional behavior".... what a crock...
He wants to speak to the manager
Thacker is one of the absolute worst, most disingenuous trolls of that crew.