
If I had run a thought experiment on “what are the characteristics that would make someone’s accidental, preventable death a national news story with real policy consequences?”, Angelo Chao would be the answer. How is there not a national recall of all Teslas? The doors don’t open in an emergency!
This story is horrifying — after making a mistake with Tesla’s awkward gearshift, Angela Chao found herself sinking into a pond. Emergency services could not break into the Tesla because of the glass used in the cars. Chao died.
I’m pretty jaded in general. But c’mon! The billionaire sister-in-law of the Republican Senate Majority leader slowly drowns because the electric doors on her Tesla don’t manually open?!? I get elites ignoring normal-people safety hazards. But this is rich-people shit, and they STILL don’t care?
"No one in the family blames Tesla, according to a person familiar with the situation. Breyer and his wife had three Teslas and loved them, and often spoke about how electric vehicles were good for the planet. Breyer considers himself a friend of Elon Musk’s."—WSJ Class solidarity is that strong.
“Pretty pretty pretty not good”
Always the cultish message of love to qualify any complaint