
The Biden team seems to trust him to speak with a teleprompter. They don't seem to trust him to speak without one. I'd bet they're right: he can't be trusted to speak coherently in public without a teleprompter. I don't think you can come from behind in a presidential campaign with that handicap.
Except he did do a bunch of events? That night and the next day.
This is also not true, Max. The events the night of the debate were not on prompter and obviously the time he spent with voters at the watch party and the waffle house weren’t either.
Genuinely, did he take questions at the events on the night of the debate? I am sorry that I don't think shaking people's hands at a Waffle House is a sufficient example of what Pelosi is calling for.
He should have done events. Oh okay, he did events, but he should do them without a prompter. Oh okay, he did some of them without a prompter, but he needs to take questions in the form I specify. There is not going to be any end to this series because you’re not inclined to be persuaded.
Here’s Biden competently answering hostile questions.
Schmooze, maybe. Maybe he should schmooze more. And then give in to everything the GOP wants, that might help. And make sure the Sulzbergers taxes don't go up.
When has tRump ever taken and answered hostile questions from a reporter?
lmao when he was like “maura healy didn’t say shit in that room”