
Manhattan prosecutors agreed with Donald Trump’s request to postpone his criminal sentencing. The former president's lawyers want to argue that the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity should void his conviction for covering up hush money to a porn star.
Brought to you by the New York Times that thinks it’s OK for a sexual predator with 34 felony convictions not to drop out of the race but Biden has one bad night of debating and they’re calling for his ouster. Screw you, New York Times.
this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever why is there not one single intelligent person in charge of anything anywhere
Now I'm no lawyer, but don't you need to be elected president first before you get presidential immunity? Immunity for official acts doesn't make every action you take official both forward and backward in time.
But he wasn’t even IN office at the time that doesn’t count!
Fucking idiots, all of them. America has no credibility whatsoever now. All that for nothing as everyone stands aside from Trumps way and makes him untouchable. They're retarded.
sure, that sounds like an official act good fucking god
What stupid fucking reality is this?
So if you someday become President, anything illegal you may have done in the past may now be ruled as an official act RETROACTIVE to taking office, and therefore immune from prosecution? WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING HERE?
Baloney! He paid off Stormy to keep the story secret, because he knew he'd lose if it hit the news. Then he sent his CFO and fixer to do what was necessary so it wouldn't be discovered. False records, shell companies, grossed up amounts were all part of the scheme to keep voters from finding out.
How that went: "Hey, we'd like you to consider whether something our client did before he was president was an official presidential act."
After the judgement Biden could have Trump arrested, he can do anything now, the judgement also applies to him, he doesn't have to wait until Trump is at the helm.